was looking at machine to see what advertisements /packages are targeted to sccm client though you can get this information directly from SCCM reports if you have access else wrote a simple script which gives you what packages with program…

Overview : This Community Technology Preview (“CTP2”) enables System Center customers to jointly evaluate System Center 2012 and Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate. CTP2 includes updates and enhancements to the following System Center 2012 components: Virtual Machine Manager Improved Support…

Long Ago have posted sccm report about all advertisements that are currently assigned to specific computer http://eskonr.com/2010/12/sccm-report-to-list-all-the-advertisement-that-are-currently-assigned-to-computer/ this post gives you the advertisements targeted to specific Computer which are only MSI based. Create simple report with below SQL Query SELECT…

The Product Group have recently announced the Beta of ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 at TechNet 2012 North America. You can view the announcement at http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/TechEd/NorthAmerica/2012/MGT309 Kent blogged about new enhancements over http://blog.coretech.dk/kea/configmgr-2012-sp1-announced-teched-2012/ Enhancements include: Platform Support: Windows 8 Windows 8 tablet…

This post is going to be a something new today to publish Custom Office templates made available to all users when they open PowerPoint or Word or Excel Office applications. This can be done several ways like AD group policy…

Creating collection to get computers that starts and end with particular string is used mostly using % .If this percentile used at the end of the variable name, you get all computer names that starts from particular string and if…

Previous report list the packages which are successfully distributed to Distribution Points http://eskonr.com/2012/06/sccm-report-total-number-of-packages-targeted-to-dp/ This post gives you more information about package status for selected distribution Point. Report for packages which are Pending: select s.sitecode,s.packageid,p.name,s.sourceversion as "dpversion",p.storedpkgversion as latesteversion from v_PackageStatusDistPointsSumm…

  Full Detials : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmgrreporting/thread/cdfc6114-09d8-4e85-a51a-ca279a36454a SELECT v_Package.PackageID, Name,    v_DistributionPoint.LastRefreshTime     FROM v_Package INNER JOIN v_DistributionPoint ON v_Package.PackageID = v_DistributionPoint.PackageID WHERE v_DistributionPoint.ServerNALPath LIKE '%DPNAME%' Where DPNAME is Distribution point server name