With the default report,you can get Count or list of PC’s from domain Eg: Computers in a specific workgroup or domain. If you want to know the count of PC’s with specific role like standalone workstation a.k.a Workgroup computers,member workstation,member…

Microsoft just released Cumulative Update 3 for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager (Configmgr) SP1.This update fixes issues on OSD,Powershell,Software Distribution,Windows In tune,Endpoint Protection,Site Systems,Reporting,Software Updates. Supported Platforms: This update adds support for Windows 8.1-based client computers in Microsoft System Center…

Inventory report for laptops who have webcam feature ? You can use this report both on SCCM 2007 and Configmgr 2012 Environment. select cs.name0 [Computer name], cs.username0 [Last loggedin User], os.Caption0 [OS],os.InstallDate0 [OS Installed Date], cs.Manufacturer0,cs.Model0 , WS.LastHWScan [Reported Date…

In my Previous blog,I posted script On How to Refresh/Redistribute One package on List of Distribution Points http://eskonr.com/2013/09/sccm-configmgr-powershell-script-refresh-package-on-multiple-distribution-points/ This post talks about how to Refresh / Redistribute list of packages to Single distribution Point. import-module F:\sccm\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1 #Change the site Code…

Simple and useful report for troubleshooting package issues: Package compliance Status report to know what is the success rate of the Applications/Packages/Driver/SUP on the Distribution Points: select UPPER(SUBSTRING(PSD.ServerNALPath,13,CHARINDEX('.', PSd.ServerNALPath) -13)) AS [DP Name],count(*) [Targeted] , count(CASE when PSD.State='0' then '*'…

Powershell Scripting made things lot more easier in Configuration Manager 2012.You can automate console operations by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets.For list of Configmgr SP1 cmdlets,refer http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj821831(v=sc.10).aspx Manually Refresh of the Distribution Points for a specific package in Configmgr 2012 is…