SCCM report Count Status of packages on All Distribution Points

In my previous report,we saw complete information about Pending packages,installed packages,Targeted but not installed,total packages targeted to DP In todays report,we go with count of all packages information at one glance to identify and Fix total number of Packages Distributed out of which how many are installed,Pending Packages. select dbo.v_SystemResourceList.Servername as "Server Name", (select…

Sometimes I find Difficult to locate specific site from the Hierarchy(mostly if you are in large environment with many nodes) until you know where they attached to. I use the report data most of the times as reference to locate where the site resides based in its reporting site (primary) and primary site reporting to…

If you are Performing package cleanup,this query might help you to Identify how many packages with no advertisements(standard advertisement and Task Sequence) so you know What action to Take next! select  v_Package.PackageID, v_Package.Name,v_Package.SourceVersion,v_Package.SourceDate from dbo.v_package Where packageID not in (select PackageID from dbo.v_Advertisement)and PackageID not in (SELECT ReferencePackageID FROM v_TaskSequenceReferencesInfo) and not like '%osd%'…

Today I was looking at Packages to see how many packages are created without any distribution Points added. This might help you in identifying whether these packages are really needed to be in SCCM or archive them. This below report will help you in achieving this. select PackageID,Name,Version,SourceDate from v_Package where PackageID not in (select…

Once you are done with installation/configuration of the sites/Distribution Point,you start distributing the content to it.sometimes you may have to check if the site which you configured has all the content that serve for clients to receive packages. For this,you can compare the newly configured server with already existing server  which has all the content…

Ok. You are done with the installation and all the required Configurations on Primary/Secondary site,next action would be package replication which you can do either by copying all the required PCK files from available DP to new server ,Preload the packages(Note : Preload works only for standard Software Packages) and add the preload packages to…