SCCM Configmgr Report Task Sequence Packages available on DP or not

Ok. You are done with the installation and all the required Configurations on Primary/Secondary site,next action would be package replication which you can do either by copying all the required PCK files from available DP to new server ,Preload the packages(Note : Preload works only for standard Software Packages) and add the preload packages to Distribution Point  OR direct from Console .

If you are in large environment  with thousands of of packages including OS,software updates and Drive packages ,it would be difficult to ensure you are distributed all the required packages.

There are chances that Task sequence may fail on the client who connecting while performing OS Deployment or Running of Task sequence.

To ensure you are at right time before moving the server to production with all set to go,you would need to verify if the packages referenced in Task sequence are made available to DP or not.

Here you go with report to check if any missing packages on newly build site DP.

select ReferencePackageID,ReferencePackageType =
Case ReferencePackageType
When 0 Then 'Software Distribution Package'
When 3 Then 'Driver Package'
When 4 Then 'Task Sequence Package'
When 5 Then 'software Update Package'
When 6 Then 'Device Settings Package'
When 7 Then 'Virtual Package'
When 257 Then 'Image Package'
When 258 Then 'Boot Image Package'
When 259 Then 'OS Install Package'
from v_TaskSequenceReferencesInfo
where( PackageID ='CEN00123' or PackageID='cen00124') and ReferencePackageID not in (select packageid From v_PackageStatusDistPointsSumm where SiteCode='P01' and State=0)

PackageID= Task sequence ID and site Code=site on which to look for packages

Hope it Helps !

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