simple and straight forward report that gives you the computers with operating system,CSD version(service Pack),Version number,OS Installed date,LastBootup Directory etc. You can customise this by adding additional colums and Creating Custom Reports By Using Configuration Manager 2007 SQL Views Select SYS.Netbios_Name0, OPSYS.Caption0 as C054, OPSYS.Version0, OPSYS.CSDVersion0, OPSYS.InstallDate0, OPSYS.LastBootUpTime0, OPSYS.WindowsDirectory0, OPSYS.Description0 from v_R_System…

Long back i posted report to get computer information like computer name,Serial number,Processor,Physical memory,service Pack,computer model etc In this post ,i have modified the report little bit from previous post to add more fields that gives you lot more information about the computer . It is  very simple and straight forward report that just use…
SLA report for SCCM Software Distribution

Have you been asked by your boss saying can you send me the report for the applications that are deployed last month with Success rates /failures? You will be wonder after looking at the success rate 🙂 and start troubleshooting why is this . We will be deploying number of applications per day using SCCM…

You have report to list all computers based on last logged on username from . In this post,you will get list of computers with last logged on user name from given collection. Create a new report and paste the below query into it. Select A.Name0, A.UserName0  from V_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM A join v_FullCollectionMembership B on A.ResourceID…

Create a new report and paste the following query into it.This needs prompt as well to list the applications installed on computers . Select Distinct sys.Netbios_Name0, sys.User_Domain0, sys.User_Name0 FROM v_R_System sys JOIN v_Add_Remove_Programs arp ON sys.ResourceID = arp.ResourceID WHERE sys.ResourceID not in (select sys.ResourceID from v_R_System sys JOIN v_Add_Remove_Programs arp ON sys.ResourceID = arp.ResourceID where…

The below scripts works for only Win 2000 and XP not for other operating systems .Here are the simple steps that you can achive this(getting a report for local administrators).*******test it once before taking it to production***************** 1.Go to the X:\smsinboxes\clifiles.src\hinv\sms_def.mof where X is SMS installed Drive,edit SMS_DEF.MOF file (If you have already edited it…