Quick post on the Distribution Point availability Error.Primary Site cannot check the availability of the Remote Distribution Point servers and…
Browsing: configmgr
Full details:http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/systemcenter/en-US/82a7862a-fc1c-4c45-9635-ee44489c2673/file-inventory-report-query-by-name-count-and-machineid?forum=configmgrreporting select cs.Name0 [Computer name],COUNT(*) as [No of Times] from v_GS_SoftwareFile SF,v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM cs where FileName like '%.mdf%' and…
We have been seeing many hotfixes and Cumulative updates for configmgr 2012 product .For each hotfix /CU level,the client version…
With the default report,you can get Count or list of PC’s from domain Eg: Computers in a specific workgroup or…
Inventory report for laptops who have webcam feature ? You can use this report both on SCCM 2007 and Configmgr…
By Default,during the installation of reporting services role ,Configuration Manager 2012 will create and publish the reports to Configmgr_SiteCode (Ex:Configmgr_P01)…
In my Previous blog,I posted script On How to Refresh/Redistribute One package on List of Distribution Points http://eskonr.com/2013/09/sccm-configmgr-powershell-script-refresh-package-on-multiple-distribution-points/ This post…
Running SQL queries directly from SQL server management studio is not safe method until you know what you are doing…