I was trying to setup new Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 build on Windows server 2012 with SQL Server 2012 SP1 installed .Everything went fine except Windows server update services .It keeps saying error with restart needed.Here is what i got…
Recently i worked on issue with SCCM Client.Many applications are Advertised in Run Advertised programs as Optional(Optional can be set either not having mandatory schedule or allow users to run independently while creating Advertisement ). But none of the applications…
SQL Code used in SCCM Reporting to get list of Advertisements that are Mandatory! select adv.AdvertisementName as [Adv Name], adv.PresentTime as DistributionDate, pkg.Name as PackageName, pgm.ProgramName, coll.Name as CollectioName, adv.AdvertisementID from v_Advertisement adv join v_Package pkg on adv.PackageID=pkg.PackageID join v_Program…
Do you remember the Powershell script posted by SCOMFAQ to download required MMS 2012 Sessions last year Once again he come up with easy way to download all the required MMS 2013 sessions using Powershell script. This basically contains 2…
Configuration Manager Queries SQL Server views in the Configmgr site database when retrieving the information displayed in reports .Configmgr database contains large information about computer,User related resource and other components as well. If you are looking for some particular information…
MMS 2013 is getting nearer , (Apr 4-Apr 8) with loads of technical sessions on newly released products with hands on lab. More info here From Apr 4-8,total of 300+ sessions happening on various technologies . Many folks who works…
If you are planning to migrate your SCCM 2007 environment to SCCM 2012,you may have to think about your packages,collections,OSD and other stuff. you cannot migrate all collections from SCCM 2007 to SCCM 2012.Couple of things to note before you…
How to add link URL or shortcut file to users desktop profile ? Easiest way to accomplish this task is with GPO(Group policy Object). If you want to accomplish this task using Configuration manager(SCCM),you can create simple VB script that does…
This is Continuation to previous post package archival process.up on the query results,I would not delete the packages from console directly rather i delete them from its assigned Distribution points and move them to Archive folder and let be there…
Long ago ,written SCCM report to list packages not used for 6 months as part of Package Archival process http://eskonr.com/2012/11/sccm-configmgr-package-archival-process-cleanup-activity/ .This report tells you to take further action to clean or move to Archive folder to wait for some more…
I’m Eswar Koneti ,a tech enthusiast, security advocate, and your guide to Microsoft Intune and Modern Device Management. My goal? To turn complex tech into actionable insights for a streamlined management experience. Let’s navigate this journey together!