I have got my standalone Intune setup with few devices enrolled . In this post, i will go through the reporting feature using using Power BI to connect to Intune to load data and generate reports dynamically. These reports will help us to analyse the users who are enrolling the devices for license purchases ,to see the OS manufactures ,compliance status ,updates etc. Before we proceed further ,first download the Power BI Desktop using link https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads/ Power BI Desktop file is about 140MB ,once it is downloaded ,run the setup file with default options. Start the Power BI Click on…
Author: Eswar Koneti
OverJoyed …..I got an email yesterday from the Microsoft MVP Award team saying that ,I have been awarded with Microsoft MVP award in Enterprise Mobility for 2017. I am extremely proud and honored to receive this award. I started blogging (www.eskonr.com) in year 2009 to to share my technical views,tips and tricks that I have seen in my daily work on SMS 2003 /SCCM/Configmgr In 2012 and to keep this as my reference .I have no idea what the award means when I started blogging in the early stages of my career .It was purely on the basis of…
To manage software updates using SCCM/Configmgr, software update scan (with help of windows update agent) is mandatory without which ,client cannot download the update catalog (metadata) from WSUS and perform the scan for letting the server know what is required and what is not required using the state messages. When i was looking at the software update scan reports few days ago ,identified some of the clients (Windows servers) could not able perform software update scan. So i decided to take look at the one of the client logs and troubleshoot further. After logging into the server ,looked at wuahandler.log…
If you are using SCUP (system Center Update Publisher) tool to manage 3rd Party updates integrated with Configuration manager, there are 2 things which you need to look at . 1) The settings that are configured in SCUP Console are per user specific and stored in User profile (user.config in C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Scup2011.exe_StrongName_XXXXXXXXXX) 2) Database file that store all your 3rd party catalogue ,publications etc also stored in user profile (C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\System Center Updates Publisher 2011\) at the time of configuration of SCUP. If other users who have permissions ,try to open SCUP console , they will see everything blank and it is…
Few months ago ,i wrote blog post about how to use Compliance Settings to clean content in ccmcache folder. For more information, please refer http://eskonr.com/2016/08/sccm-configmgr-how-to-clean-ccmcache-content-older-than-x-days-using-compliance-settings/ This blog post is about deletion of client log files that contain SCNotify and SCClient. What does these logs capture information about ? SCNotify_<domain>@<username>_1.log : Records the activity for notifying users about software for the specified user. SCNotify_<domain>@<username>_1-<date_time>.log: Records the historical information for notifying users about software for the specified user. SCClient_<domain>@<username>_1.log: Records the activity in Software Center for the specified user on the client computer. SCClient_<domain>@<username>_2.log: Records the historical activity in Software Center for…
I have seen this questions often in social communities and online forums on this topic and how they work during content download. So i will try to explain what they mean and how they work when it comes to content download. when you create any deployment (applications,software updates,task sequence etc) ,you will see two options for ‘Type of Deployment’ (for software updates) ,Purpose (for applications) with Required and Available. In this blog post, we will see what they mean and how they work . Available: Available deployments will not have any deadline and they meant for optional. When…
Microsoft released Technical Preview update 1707 for Configuration Manager with some new features and improvements with its last Technical preview Update (1706). These technical preview updates will help you to test in lab environment and report feedback to Microsoft before they make into current Branch (Production Version). You can install this version to update and add new capabilities to your existing Configuration Manager technical preview site. To see these preview updates in your Configmgr console,you must have the base version of SCCM Configmgr Technical preview 1703 (not applicable to current branch).These Technical Preview updates are intended for use in a…
In this post, i will discuss about the requirement that i have got recently. Local team /manager wants to run the software update compliance report for their LBU machines (collections) to see if all the clients in collection are compliant or not for all the patches with released date between X date to Y date. No matter whether all the patches that are requested/available in SCCM are deployed or not but it should appear in SCCM report if the clients are in good shape or not for specific period. By default in SCCM, there are couple of reports available for…