How to create a collection based on boundary group for client assignment and content troubleshooting

Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager 2002 production build is out today. It is now available as in-console (for now only fast-ring) and baseline (will be available in the next couple of weeks).

It has a bunch of new and updated features. For full list of features and installation, please refer

One of the features that is available in this build version is ‘Show boundary groups for devices in configuration manager console’.

clients use boundary group’s for site assignment, content location (DP), SUP, MP, and SMP. SMP doesn't use fallback relationships.

From this build version, we can now identify the client boundary group for site assignment and content troubleshooting within the configuration manager console.

How to identify the boundary groups for the specific client in the console?

From the console (2002 build onwards), In the Devices node or when you show the members of a Device Collection, add the new Boundary Group(s) column to the list view.


Console view:


Please note the following on the client boundary group’s.

  • If a device is in more than one boundary group, the value is a comma-separated list of boundary group names.
  • The data updates when the client makes a location request to the site, or at most every 24 hours.
  • If a client is roaming and not a member of a boundary group, the value is blank.

Since we have the client boundary group information available, we will use this to create a collection to identify the clients with a NULL value( no boundary group or missing boundary groups).

Create a collection with the following WQL query to get the list of all clients that don't have any boundary group or missing in the boundary group.

select SMS_R_System.ResourceId, SMS_R_System.ResourceType, SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.SMSUniqueIdentifier,
SMS_R_System.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup, SMS_R_System.Client from  SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.ResourceId in
(select resourceid from SMS_CollectionMemberClientBaselineStatus
where SMS_CollectionMemberClientBaselineStatus.boundarygroups is NULL)
and SMS_R_System.Name not in ("Unknown") and SMS_R_System.Client = "1"


You can also use the reports to identify the clients missing the boundaries and boundary groups.

Following are the few custom reports created for earlier version of configuration manager builds.

For more information about boundary groups, please refer

5 Responses to "How to create a collection based on boundary group for client assignment and content troubleshooting"

  1. Hi 🙂
    I made a collection using the WQL you suggested. I have 120 object not in any boundary group.
    But one thing that strikes me is, how come i plenty of clients that have active client in the in that collection.
    I'm new to sccm, but how come that computers that is outside the boundaries, still can have a active client.?

    Shoudn't they be out of reach from sccm.?

    1. Hi,
      the clients could be active due to default boundaries for client assignment or fallback, but boundaries/boundary groups are beyond the client assignment such as content download, software update, SMP etc.


    1. Hi,
      You can change the query in where SMS_CollectionMemberClientBaselineStatus.boundarygroups='England' , test this before you confirm the changes.


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