SCCM collection/Report Duplicate computer names with different Resource ID

I was looking at client health percentage other day and found many systems were reported as not healthy though I fixed some of the machines with sccm client installed and able to receive policies.

Looked at Database for healthy computers and see double entries with different ResourceID ,client0 and HardwareID0 is NULL.

So what next ? I created collection with filter computers with sccm client installed and should be in computers with no sccm client.


select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,
SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where
SMS_R_System.Name in (select name  from  SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.Client is not null) and
SMS_R_System.Client is null


select name0 from v_R_System where client0 is null
and Name0 in( select Name0 from v_R_System where client0 =1)
order by name0

I see 100+ computers which are duplicate with same hostname but different value for ResourceID,client0 and hardwareID0 etc.

Special delete will remove them completely from database.

5 Responses to "SCCM collection/Report Duplicate computer names with different Resource ID"

  1. Hi Eswar,

    I follow your site since its simple and easy to understand.
    I have a typical problem.We cloned almost 800 vms from a single template.Everything is working fine.
    The problem is we have multiple entries for the same machine in sccm console which shows the client is installed .These are in different collections as well.
    for example,Client A shows two entries.Both the entries shows client installed and client A is in different collections also
    How can i know which is the correct entry.we have almost 250 clients with his issue.How can we troubleshoot this to eliminate duplicate entries.
    please consider me as a novice and explain in detail.

    1. do you see the duplicate entry become obsolete? if thet says 1 then it is obsolete .Create a collection with all obsolete clients and delete all of them at one ?
      if you do not see obsolete=1 then you may have to consider looking at entries which are not common for the similar entry .to check it ,you can simply run query select * from v_r_system where name='computername' so you can identify what columns are different and the create collection based on that.
      If you dont want to follow all these procedure,you can simply create SQL query to identify the computers that appear more than 1 :
      SQL query:
      select sys.name0
      from v_r_system sys
      group by sys.name0
      having count(sys.name0) >=2

      add these computer names to collection (you will find many ways to add these computers to collection ) and do a delete special so all these duplicate and original machines will be removed from SCCM DB but not worries.the computers that are online /Live will send DDR soon to SCCM DB .

  2. Hi,
    I try to create a query using query builder in sccm 2007 and I don't see SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType and SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup. Did I missing something in my sccm 2007 sp3?

    Best Regards,

    1. Hey,
      This is collection not Report.You should create collection to get the result.
      Tip to identity if it is SCCM report query or collection : If you see SMS_R it is collection and if you see V_ it is sccm report query.


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