My Previous Blog post talks about How to know Client Cache folder size in your Environment using Custom MOF.What is you are deploying Larger packages or Your Cache size is full with applications and software updates ? By Default,Configuration Manager Client stores the Deployed packages (could be applications,Packages,Software updates etc) in C:\windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache (CM07) and C:\Windows\ccmcache(CM12).…

How to add link URL or shortcut file to users desktop profile ? Easiest way to accomplish this task is with GPO(Group policy Object). If you want to accomplish this task using Configuration manager(SCCM),you can create simple VB script that does this job.   Option Explicit dim path path=CreateObject("WScript.Shell").ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%UserProfile%\desktop") dim objFSO set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If objFSO.FileExists(path &…

Here is simple script that helps to move the required files to different Drive. I use this script frequently to move the PCK files(only the required PCK files from a near site) from one to other folder after building my site sever before I run my Preload Tool for all the packages at one go.…

Script to check files on remote computer and delete them if they are available. ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Set objfso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set computerList = objfso.OpenTextFile ("C:\Scripts\computerList.txt", 1) Set outputList = objfso.OpenTextFile ("C:\Scripts\outputList.txt", 2, True) Do While Not computerList.AtEndOfStream strComputer = computerList.ReadLine If objFSO.FolderExists("\\" & strComputer & "\F$\oldfiles") Then Set strFolderPath = objFSO.GetFolder("\\" &…

There are cases where computer might needs to be deleted from SCCM Database when the OS up gradation happens(new name applied to host machines) and old name should be removed else it will automatically be removed as per the site maintenance settings. Here is VB script that remove computer from SCCM Database based asking for…

  If you are working with System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM 2007),you know what the post means here. Have been getting lot of requests per day/week to create AD security groups for new applications to deploy applications . Here is the VB Script that fullfil your requirememnt but test it in the lab before taking…