If you are looking for a collection to query all the machines only from a particular OU not the SUB OU .Let say ,I have Top OU called Workstations\comp(120 systems) in eskon.net domain and in turn it has 3 sub OU's OU1(10 systems),OU2(20 systems),OU3(49…

Here is the collection that gives you a list of machines with specific staus message ID: select sys.ResourceID,sys.ResourceType,sys.Name,sys.SMSUniqueIdentifier,sys.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,sys.Client from sms_r_system as sys inner join SMS_ClientAdvertisementStatus as offer on sys.ResourceID=offer.ResourceID  WHERE AdvertisementID = 'GSA2035F' and LastStatusMessageID = 10009 10009  is success, replace…

Class security Level Vs Instance Level Security Rights You can configure the security rights either the class level or the instance level in SMS/SCCM. These rights basically helpful in providing the access to the SMS objects like collection,packages,reports and many…