Microsoft released SCCM 2012 SP1 Beta with lot of cool features like Managing Non-Windows OS,Windows 8 and server 2012 , Power Shell support and more. For more information ,read TechNet here and download here. While I was installing SP1,Noted couple of prerequisites…

#SCCM / #Configmgr 2007 Remote control prompts for credentials...: # None of the SQL server 2008 SP1 CU's are avilable to request ,all links same problem # what happened to #SOL #server 2008 R2 SP1 cumulative updates ?I cont…

Full Details : select sys.Name0,OS.Caption0 from v_R_system sys inner join v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM OS ON os.resourceID=sys.resourceID where sys.ResourceId not in (select ResourceId from   v_RA_System_SystemGroupName where System_Group_Name0 = 'TIGA\W2K3SecurityBaseline' or System_Group_Name0 = 'TIGA\W2K8SecurityBaseline') and OS.Caption0 like '%Server%'

Here is simple script that helps to move the required files to different Drive. I use this script frequently to move the PCK files(only the required PCK files from a near site) from one to other folder after building my…

  Microsoft recently released system center 2012 SP1 Beta product available to customers. You can download SCCM 2012 SP1 Beta from the link here Updates to System Center 2012 for compatibility with Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 and other…

Recently Microsoft released questionaries' on support about Windows 8 ,windows server 2012 for Configuration Manager 2012 and Forefront Endpoint Protection. This blog post addresses the Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 support questions you’ve been asking about for Configuration Manager…