Quick Update from Microsoft about System Center 2012 R2 Preview is available for Download from MSDN /Evaluation(below). This prerelease version is not supported in a production environment and is for testing only.  This prerelease version does not support an upgrade…

SQL Code used in SCCM Reporting to get list of Advertisements that are Mandatory! select adv.AdvertisementName as [Adv Name], adv.PresentTime as DistributionDate, pkg.Name as PackageName, pgm.ProgramName, coll.Name as CollectioName, adv.AdvertisementID from v_Advertisement adv join v_Package pkg on adv.PackageID=pkg.PackageID join v_Program…

Configuration Manager Queries SQL Server views in the Configmgr site database when retrieving the information displayed in reports .Configmgr database contains large information about computer,User related resource and other components as well. If you are looking for some particular information…

MMS 2013 is getting nearer , (Apr 4-Apr 8) with loads of technical sessions on newly released products with hands on lab. More info here From Apr 4-8,total of 300+ sessions happening on various technologies . Many folks who works…