We have been seeing many hotfixes and Cumulative updates for configmgr 2012 product .For each hotfix /CU level,the client version will get change. As you test and deploy these hotfixes /CU's in your environment ,you are also required to maintain the environment both clients and server client to the same level as your site running.…

With the default report,you can get Count or list of PC’s from domain Eg: Computers in a specific workgroup or domain. If you want to know the count of PC’s with specific role like standalone workstation a.k.a Workgroup computers,member workstation,member server,standalone server etc,use the below report . I use property called DomainRole0 from V_GS_Computer_system view…
SCCM Configmgr report:Inventory for Webcam Devices ?

Inventory report for laptops who have webcam feature ? You can use this report both on SCCM 2007 and Configmgr 2012 Environment. select cs.name0 [Computer name], cs.username0 [Last loggedin User], os.Caption0 [OS],os.InstallDate0 [OS Installed Date], cs.Manufacturer0,cs.Model0 , WS.LastHWScan [Reported Date to SCCM] from v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM cs,v_GS_SYSTEM_ENCLOSURE se,v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM OS,  v_GS_WORKSTATION_STATUS WS where cs.ResourceID=se.ResourceID and cs.ResourceID=OS.ResourceID and cs.ResourceID=WS.ResourceID…
SCCM ConfigMgr SQL Reporting for  Client Cache Sizg

By Default,Client Cache information is not collected by Configuration Manager.You should do some customizations to get it working. This blog post talks about how to create Custom MOF file and import into SCCM as custom hardware inventory class which will be applied onto clients as policy to get the information from WMI . Save the…

Recently i worked on issue with SCCM Client.Many applications are Advertised in Run Advertised programs as Optional(Optional can be set either not having mandatory schedule or allow users to run independently while creating Advertisement ). But none of the applications are running successfully from RAP .So verified CAS.log ,Datatransfer.log to see if any issues with…