Wishing you all a merry time lighting up your Christmas Tree and A Happy New Year 2011. Ciao you all in New Year 2011
Author: Eswar Koneti
When you install SMS or SCCM client,clients need to authenticate their management point prior to establishing communications to prevent attackers from inserting rogue management points and redirecting clients to them to get it . sometimes,client will fail to identify its management point which is tracked in locationservices.log file which requires attention could be issues like boundaries etc. there are cases,where client might require to assign from its current hierarchy to different hierarchy but the certificates might be exist with old hierarchy and you mush reset it before it communicates with New. To remove the trusted root key On the client…
In Previous post ,we have seen Installation of Microsoft Application Virtulisation (4.6) Desktop Client In this Post ,We will see how to Configure settings of App-V Desktop Client and its Basic Troubleshooting Steps: If you want to change the settings that are specified at the time of installation of App-V client Or any customization do be done,you can do that Via Management Console(SftCMC) which is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client. Click Start | Administrative Tools | Application Virtualization Client click on Properties . General Tab : If you want to record only error or warning messages,you can…
In Previous Guide,we have seen how to Install App-V 4.6 Management Server in windows Server 2008 and How to Publish the Default app-V applications in windows server 2008 to users. In this Guide we will see how to Install App-V desktop Client(4.6) on Windows 7 to receive published application from App-V server. Before we proceed to run the Setup file,check the link for Client Hardware and Software Requirements http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc843822.aspx One you have all the components in place ,Get a App-V desktop client 4.6 from Microsoft and Extract it before Run. Run the setup wizard which will scan for and prompt…
Below is the report to list computers with IP address and Subnet information from Given collection. select distinct A.Name0,c.IPAddress0 ,D.IP_Subnets0 from v_R_System A inner join v_FullCollectionMembership B on A.ResourceID=B.ResourceID Inner join v_GS_NETWORK_ADAPTER_CONFIGUR C ON A.ResourceID=C.ResourceID Inner Join v_RA_System_IPSubnets D ON A.ResourceID=D.ResourceID where CollectionID=@COLLID and C.IPEnabled0='1' group by A.Name0,c.IPAddress0 ,D.IP_Subnets0 order by A.Name0,c.IPAddress0 ,D.IP_Subnets0 Prompt for Collection : Select CollectionID,Name from v_Collection
When you assign any advertisement (either application or Task sequence) to collection(Group of computers) ,all the advertisement will be tracked(logged) in SCCM Database with its status and other details.The advertisement will run on the computer and gives the status of it which can be find Via Default reports “All advertisement for specific computer(Report ID:126)”. What ,if you move the advertisement to different different collection where the computers(which you advertised above) are not part of this collection and you want to track all the advertisements that are currently assigned to specific computer. You can get this currently assigned advertisements by simply…
Here is another report today ,to list all the computers with their maintenance window setting and are part of which collection. The maintenance window information( collection ID,Description,time etc.) is available from SQL view called v_ServiceWindow. Below is the report to display all the computer with their maintenance window settings .You can also limit this collection to specific with the help of Prompts. select v_FullCollectionMembership.Name as Computername ,v_Collection.Name as CollectionName, v_ServiceWindow.Description as “Next Maintenance Window” from v_ServiceWindow inner join v_FullCollectionMembership on (v_FullCollectionMembership.CollectionID = v_ServiceWindow.CollectionID) inner join v_Collection on (v_Collection.CollectionID = v_FullCollectionMembership.CollectionID) order By v_Collection.Name
Report to list all the computer where the discovery agent time shows older than 30 days. This you can find out if you right click on the computer ,go to properties and see Agent name[0] (ex:SMS_AD_SYSTEM_DISCOVERY) respect to Agent time[0] for the above discovery method which will be the recent date. select a.Name0,b.AgentName,b.AgentTime from v_R_System a join v_AgentDiscoveries b on b.ResourceId=a.ResourceId where (AgentName like 'Heartbeat Discovery' and DATEDIFF(Day,AgentTime,Getdate())>=30 ) OR (AgentName like 'SMS_AD_SYSTEM_DISCOVERY_AGENT' and DATEDIFF(Day,AgentTime,Getdate())>=30 ) group by name0 ,agentname,AgentTime Order by Agentname You can add other discovery methods if you enabled in your site to the above report.