Author: Eswar Koneti

simple and straight forward report that gives you the computers with operating system,CSD version(service Pack),Version number,OS Installed date,LastBootup Directory etc. You can customise this by adding additional colums and Creating Custom Reports By Using Configuration Manager 2007 SQL Views Select SYS.Netbios_Name0, OPSYS.Caption0 as C054, OPSYS.Version0, OPSYS.CSDVersion0, OPSYS.InstallDate0, OPSYS.LastBootUpTime0, OPSYS.WindowsDirectory0, OPSYS.Description0 from v_R_System SYS join v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM OPSYS on SYS.ResourceID=OPSYS.ResourceID order by SYS.Netbios_Name0

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To kick off the new year, I’d like to share with you data on my blog’s activity in 2011. You may start scrolling! Crunchy numbers : In 2011, there were 33 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 144 posts. The busiest day of the year was December 21st . The most popular post that day was SCCM Tips and Tricks. How did they find The top referring sites in 2011 were: Some visitors came searching, mostly for eswar koneti, reporat distribution packages failed, sccm laptop collection, and mdt prompt for computer name.…

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The idea for this blog started one rainy Saturday afternoon when my 5-year-old daughter hopped on the computer and pulled up her favorite online game. It was amazing how quickly she’s learned to use a computer. And, for the most part, she learned how to use it on her own. There was plenty of trial and error and there was a lot of “Dad, I know how do this!” (if only I knew how to better convey tone in a blog posting). But throughout she was unfazed by the unknown and kept trying until she got what she wanted. Now…

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We’ve seen this issue come up a couple of times so I wanted to give it a mention here just in case you run into it. The problem is that you may notice that a System Center Configuration Manager 2007 (ConfigMgr 2007) Secondary Site Server is unable to do any type of AD discovery in another forest. The forest trust is working fine, and you may see some errors in the adsysdis.log on the secondary site server similar to the following: ERROR: Failed to bind to 'LDAP://domainname/rootDSE' (0x8007203B) ERROR: Failed to enumerate directory objects in AD container LDAP://FQDN SMS_AD_SYSTEM_DISCOVERY_AGENT 11/16/2011…

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For those who have/do not have environment to explore system center configuration manager 2012 and its features before the product is launched and get ready for it ,Microsoft has few labs (hope will have more labs on all the features of it soon). This lab should be off help to see how it looks like and its roles and much more. TechNet Virtual Lab: Introduction to System Center Configuration Manager 2012 TechNet Virtual Lab: Migrating from Configuration Manager 2007 to Configuration Manager 2012 TechNet Virtual Lab: System Center 2012 Configuration Manager: Application Management - TechNet Virtual Lab: System…

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Long back i posted report to get computer information like computer name,Serial number,Processor,Physical memory,service Pack,computer model etc In this post ,i have modified the report little bit from previous post to add more fields that gives you lot more information about the computer . It is  very simple and straight forward report that just use Where class what columns do you get after running this report ? Name,Serialnumber, Manufacturer,Model,Processor,Memory (KBytes),Size (MBytes),MAC Adress,IP Adress,AD Site,Last user logged in,Operating System,Service Pack,Creationdate in SMS,Last Hardware Scan SELECT distinct sys.name0 as 'Computer Name', sys.AD_Site_Name0 as 'AD Site', CS.domain0 as 'Domain', sys.User_Name0 as 'Last Logged On…

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The collection listed below might help you to identify if any computers in organization that do not follow the standard naming convention . Below collection is created to list servers and do not contain specific words in computer name: select SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.OperatingSystemNameandVersion from  SMS_R_System where (SMS_R_System.OperatingSystemNameandVersion like "%Server 6.%" or SMS_R_System.OperatingSystemNameandVersion like "%Server 5.%") and SMS_R_System.ResourceId not in (select ResourceID  from  SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.Name like "%xxx%") The Logic is : list all servers with criteria given above and computer do not have xxx word in it. Please change the bold letters as per the requirement.

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Have seen lot of questions on how to get list of computers that do not have xxxxxx .This xxxx could be of anything like softwares,file names anything that do not have. In this post,I will go through step by step procedure how to make it simple. Step 1: To get list of computers that do not have xxxx,create a collection query that has xxxx. I think this is pretty much easy how to do it using criteria. Create new collection and edit the query . Click on Criteria Tab , click Yellow Burst In the Criterion properties page, click on…

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