Here is a download for deploying a complete ConfigMgr 2012 RC2 (which was release recently infrastructure in either Hyper-V or VMware: One Domain Controller and one ConfigMgr 2012 RC2 member server – Including pre-requisites like .Net Framework, SQL 2008 R2 SP1 CU4 and IIS - all fully automated. Once configured, the total build time for the full ConfigMgr 2012 RC2 lab environment is about 1.5 hours (on my laptop). Download the Hydration Kit for ConfigMgr 2012 RC2 (137 kb). Full post, Please Read Via Additional Resources Getting Started with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Introduction to Software Updates…
Author: Eswar Koneti
While Ago I have posted a solution on how to fix WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation) issues using simple batch script that stops WMI service and recompile all MOF files etc. While working with new windows 7 migration project, we had lot of computers with wmi issue but how to identify which has wmi and fix it automatically. There could be various reasons if configmgr client is not reporting to site server but wmi issue one of major problem .if wmi issue occur, nothing can be performed on configmgr client. No policies, no inventory information nothing will be received or sent…
Usually when applications are installed,they wont repot to site server with installed software and its details why because the value that should report to site server is not picked by sms agent by default and you should edit SMS_DEF.MOF file which you find it from your site server installed drive,inbox folder,clifiles,hinv . Below is the group to make TRUE from FALSE to get the requirement information. You dont have to compile this mof file on clients as they get it by its next policy cycle. Monitor the MOF Changes from site server logs (dataldr.log) SMS_Report (FALSE), SMS_Group_Name ("Installed Software"), …
SELECT b.Netbios_Name0, b.User_Name0, CASE WHEN a.FileVersion LIKE '11.%' THEN 'Office 2003' WHEN a.FileVersion LIKE '12.%' THEN 'Office 2007' WHEN a.FileVersion LIKE '14.%' THEN 'Office 2010' ELSE 'Udda Version' END AS 'Office Version', a.FileName, a.FileVersion, a.FilePath FROM v_GS_SoftwareFile a JOIN v_R_System b ON a.ResourceID = b.ResourceID JOIN v_RA_System_SystemOUName c ON a.ResourceID = c.ResourceID WHERE FileName = 'outlook.exe' AND ( c.System_OU_Name0 LIKE ' SE/SE/Computers%' OR c.System_OU_Name0 LIKE ' SE/DK/Computers%' OR c.System_OU_Name0 LIKE ' SE/FI/Computers%' OR c.System_OU_Name0 LIKE ' SE/NO/Computers%' ) GROUP BY b.Netbios_Name0, b.User_Name0, a.FileName, a.FileVersion, a.FilePath ORDER BY b.Netbios_Name0
SELECT COUNT(distinct ResourceID) as [Count], IP_Subnets0 as Subnet FROM dbo.v_RA_System_IPSubnets WHERE IP_Subnets0 NOT IN (SELECT IPSubnet FROM dbo.v_SiteRoamingBoundary_IPSubnet) GROUP BY IP_Subnets0 ORDER BY IP_Subnets0
Long back have posted how to download prerequsisits which are required for configMgr 2012 RC1 . Day ago there was ConfigMgr 2012 RC2 released with some modifications ,avilable here to download ConfigMgr 2012 RC2 . In ConfigMgr 2012 RC1 we have 13 files are prereq where as in RC2 we have 25 files as prereq. This post will gives you how to download the prerequsists files for ConfigMgr 2012 RC2. you can run SETUPDL.EXE from your command prompt (run with Administrator) with command line to download the prereq files on physical system and then load them into Lab server. Drive letter:\ConfigMgr_2012_RC2_ENU_7703\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64\setupdl.exe…
If you want to remove the registry key from local machine from windows 32 Bit OS (it will also remove the values residing in the key),try the below script as adminstrator (RUN AS). If you are using any deployment tool like Configmgr ,create a folder and place this script inside it and create a package by mapping the source as this folder and program command line as scriptname ,Run with administrative rights . Script to remove the reg key: const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 strComputer = "." Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &_ strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv") strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\PLAP Providers\{11660363-8F14-CA1D-BB17-814630A2009F}" oReg.DeleteKey…
System center configuration Manager 2012 RC2 is released and avilable to download now. It will be available from the System Center Eval Center: I have tried it downloading but i can see other components along with System center configmgr 2012 with all the links avilable to download. if you are looking for only System center configuration manager 2012 RC2, you can use this link to save time in downloading other components else you can pause/cancel from your download manager tool. Additional Resources Getting Started with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Introduction to Software Updates in Configuration Manager Configuring Software Updates…