This script requires one notepad file(Input) with list of machines you need for and output(CSV Format) will be opened once the script runs. Set fso=CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") Set objinputfile=fso.OpenTextFile("eskonr.txt",1,True) Set objoutputfile=fso.OpenTextFile("servicestatus.csv",2,True) Do While objinputfile.AtEndOfLine <> True strcomputer=objinputfile.ReadLine Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:"_ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colRunningServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service WHERE DisplayName like 'SMS Agent Host'") objoutputfile.WriteLine("computer name:" & strcomputer) For Each objService in colRunningServices If Len(objservice.displayname) >= 40 Then objoutputfile.WriteLine(Left(objService.DisplayName,40)&vbTab & objService.State) Else objoutputfile.WriteLine(objService.DisplayName & Space(40-Len(objService.DisplayName))& vbtab& objService.State) 'Wscript.Echo objService.DisplayName & VbTab & objService.State End if …
Author: Eswar Koneti
Full Details : Boundary information (AD Site) added . select distinct v_GS_SYSTEM.Name0 as 'Computer Name',A.AD_Site_Name0, substring(AccountName0,charindex('Domain=',Accountname0)+8,(charindex('Name=',Accountname0)-charindex('Domain=',Accountname0)-10)) as 'Domain Name', substring(AccountName0,len(AccountName0)-charindex('"',reverse(AccountName0),2)+2,charindex('"',reverse(AccountName0),2)-2) as 'User Name' from v_GS_SYSTEM INNER JOIN v_GS_LocalAdmins ON v_GS_SYSTEM.ResourceID = v_GS_LocalAdmins.ResourceID INNER JOIN v_R_System A ON v_GS_SYSTEM.ResourceID=A.ResourceID JOIN v_FullCollectionMembership FCM on v_gs_system.ResourceID = FCM.ResourceID where (AccountName0 not like '%Administrator%' AND AccountName0 not like '%Domain Admins%') and FCM.CollectionID='SMSC1003'
Did you ever find difficulty in identifying the site system information when you have multi-tier hierarchy like central,multiple primary sites and each primary has primary and secondary sites. It is difficult to identify and check for site settings (like discovery,Site maintenance Tasks etc.) OR Site Component Information until you know all site verywell . To make it little easy,I have created a report that gives you hierarchy design information along with site system status. Select C.servername,b.SiteCode,C.SiteName,C.ReportingSiteCode, b.Updated 'Time Stamp',C.InstallDir, Case b.Status When 0 Then 'OK' When 1 Then 'Warning' When 2 Then 'Critical' Else ' ' End AS 'Site Status',…
From SCCM 2007 to SCCM 2012,lot many features and the way console design is completely different. With the features change, lot many log files changed/ New from sccm 2007. SCCM 2012 client log files location has been changed from system32/SYSWOW64 to windows (%windir%) directory. The following log files can be found from SCCM 2012 log folder location. I have taken MS link as reference for these log files. CAS.log : Content Access service. Maintains the local package cache on the client. Ccm32BitLauncher.log : Records actions for starting applications on the client marked as "run as 32bit". CcmEval.log : Records Configuration…
SCCM 2012 SDK provides information applicable to administrators who want to automate Configuration Manager through script and to developers adding features and extensions to base Configuration Manager functionality. Configuration Manager SDK contains documentation and samples that are useful in developing applications that access and modify Configuration Manager data. It also provides comprehensive reference material for each Configuration Manager feature. This download contains documentation, samples, and reference material. For the latest SDK documentation and reference material, visit the Configuration Manager SDK section of MSDN: What's New in the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SDK : The significant changes in the…
time to time while working with SCCM application virtualization, i come across several issues in troubleshooting why the virtual apps doesn't load correctly /why they don't go way when you say not applicable/not needed for someone using very powerful command WMIC. Here are some of the WMIC commands : What is WMIC : WMIC is Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC), which uses the power of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to enable systems management from the command line. WMIC extends WMI for operation from several command-line interfaces and through batch scripts. Before WMIC, you used WMI-based applications (such as SMS), the…
Listing down Technical videos on SCCM 2012 (system center 2012 Configuration Manager) and other technical stuff for quick reference . Thanks to Johan(Deploymentartist). ConfigMgr 2012 Software Distribution Part 1 - With Wally Mead Run in Full Screen and HD (720). Courtesy of Deployment Artist and Knowledge Factory - Breakout sessions presented by Wally Mead during the Deployment Road show in Sweden. The video recordings are from the event in Stockholm, December 1, 2011. ConfigMgr 2012 Software Distribution Part 2 - With Wally Mead : Part 2.Run in Full Screen and HD (720). Courtesy of Deployment Artist and Knowledge Factory…
The standard way to remove Advertised app-v applications from client machines is to set expiration of the advertisement /deletion with setting “remove this package from client when no longer advertised” and it should work though it takes a while but this procedure doesn’t work. Recently had an issue with App-v Applications(machines having both msi and app due to which some settings may not work ) where in these apps are not removed from client machines though advertisement is “expired” and checked “ Remove this package from client when no longer advertised” from package properties . Also deleted the advertisement to…