The upcoming general availability of Windows 8 on Oct 26th and the launch of the new Windows App Store presents us all with the greatest Windows developer opportunities ever! Get ready by attending a Windows 8 Developer Camp! Developer Camps provide a great opportunity to jump start your development skills in a fun information-packed 1-day event that gives you all the tools, knowledge and guidance you need to get started. Windows 8 Developer Camps are coming soon to Detroit MI, Columbus OH and Austin TX ... Seating is very limited, so be sure to register today using the links below!…
Author: Eswar Koneti
Starting with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, Forefront Endpoint Protection (FEP) has now been integrated into Configuration Manager and is called System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection. From your feedback, we have heard that some FEP customers who are now using System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection are having problems finding the information they need to install and configure Endpoint Protection. This blog post answers the questions we’ve been hearing about the documentation. A thank you to Diana Smith (a Microsoft Senior Support Escalation Engineer), for her help in working with us to get the right information to you. Where is the…
Long ago Raphael blogged nice post how to delete expired updates from Configuration Manager 2007 but script is not available to download now with current link. This script is intended to remove all expired updates from a package or Deployment and was showed by the MVP Kent Agerlund on his presentation at MMS 2012 If you'd like to try (at your own risk), you can download it from here (just remember to remove _.txt to convert to vbs) Examples: cscript.exe DeleteExpiredUpdates.vbs /SMSProvider:CM01 /PkgID:"A010000E" cscript.exe DeleteExpiredUpdates.vbs /SMSProvider:CM01 /AssignmentID:"1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9" cscript.exe DeleteExpiredUpdates.vbs /SMSProvider:CM01 /PkgID:"A010000E" /AssignmentID:"1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9"
If you are performing SCCM cleanup activity on packages,this might help you to identify if there are any packages still available on DPs rather looking at each package manually also to check how many DP’s each package available so you can distribute the package to missing DP’s(if you have standards to ensure all packages should be on X many DP’s) SELECT PackageID, Name, Version, Manufacturer, Language, Description,PkgSourcePath , LastRefreshTime, (SELECT COUNT(PkgID) FROM vPkgStatusSummaryDistPts WHERE PkgID = v_Package.PackageID) AS [Total Number of DP’s] FROM v_Package order by [Total Number of DP’s] desc P.S :Quotes in this post are fancy quotes,please replace…
Script to check files on remote computer and delete them if they are available. ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Set objfso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set computerList = objfso.OpenTextFile ("C:\Scripts\computerList.txt", 1) Set outputList = objfso.OpenTextFile ("C:\Scripts\outputList.txt", 2, True) Do While Not computerList.AtEndOfStream strComputer = computerList.ReadLine If objFSO.FolderExists("\\" & strComputer & "\F$\oldfiles") Then Set strFolderPath = objFSO.GetFolder("\\" & strComputer & "\f$\oldfiles") objFSO.DeleteFolder strFolderPath, True outputList.WriteLine strComputer & vbTab & "oldfiles folder deleted" Else outputList.WriteLine strComputer & vbTab & "Oldfiles folder does not exist" End If loop Change the Bold letters as necessary.
Sometimes pushing app-v Application doesn't work on some machines and when looked at virtualapp.log file,you will see something like below. “Failed to open the WMI namespace [root\microsoft\appvirt\client]” from C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Logs\VirtualApp.log. What does the above Error says ? The WMI namespace was not created during the install of the App-V Client. You can verify it by typing wmimgmt.msc from your RUN command . If You want to connect to Remote Computer ,try below. Right click on the WMI Control and select properties, click on the Security Tab: Go to Root—>Microsoft ,you see appvirt is missing from it. So ? How do you…
Microsoft Office 2013 (Office 15.0) is now available for consumers !! For download, click HERE and for MSDN members HERE Languages pack and others download^Office Deployment guide for Office 2013 Preview download : To read more about System Requirements ,visit Original post, please read
I had requirement to check for some specific packages if their programs are used in any other packages or not . Take an example that ,Microsoft visual C++ is prereq for multiple applications and to know what packages used this specific VC++ ,it will be hard to find all parent packages using VC++ as dependency program. How do we get list of all packages that are using specific application as dependency ? in this case it is VC++. In SCCM ,depedent programs are stored in view called 'v_Program' with column name 'DependentProgram' .So we can use this view to…