Author: Eswar Koneti

Question asked in the forum ,if it is possible to get patch compliance /deployment status report (installed,required,not applicable and unknown) based on OU for specific software update group instead of collection. Long ago,I posted patch compliance report for specific collection month wise but it gives you overall compliance for each month for past 12 months. If you are having multiple OU's and if you have asked to get the patch compliance status based on the OU Wise per Update Group ,how would you get ? The default report doesn't deal with such a requirement and you are required to…

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In this blog post,I will show you ,how to know /monitor the clients with software update scan status results . For patch management,all Configmgr Managed clients should do successful software update scan else,client will not be able to get updates from SCCM and thus ,SUP compliance go down the SLA. I looked at the default reports to check if there is any such report to get count of clients that performed successful scan ,not successful scan and how many do not even report anything about scan. I come up with nice SSRS Report gives you count of clients with success…

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I had a requirement to deploy patches (part of patch testing) to Department (group of user around 200+) who resides in one OU in Active Directory .The computers used by them are different due to their work nature and they keep moving with different computers (with different apps). I need to get list of computers used by these 200+ users from specific Organizational unit in Active Directory. With CM12,feature called User Device Affinity --associating a user with one or more specified devices and it eliminates the need to know the names of a user’s devices .More info about UDA ,refer…

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Started working with New Customer since few weeks ago ,running Configmgr 2012 R2 CU1 ,yet to upgrade to Latest CU . since few days,I have been running lot of SQL Queries ,reports checking the SCCM client health and analyzing the existing setup for some improvements. For everything what ever you do in SCCM,the first and foremost is ,client health,otherwise ,there is nothing for you to manage  . Using reports/ collections, cleanup lot of old records ,fix SCCM client issues using scripts and clients are now at good success rate (>95%). Even though, client health success rate is >95% ,for some…

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In this post, i will discuss about how to install CU3 update and  How to Upgrade clients to CU3 with query based collections. Installation of CU3 is not that difficult ,it is straight forward .If you need step by step with screenshots ,you can refer my previous post So,as i discussed in my previous post about the CU3 update : it contains many bug fixes with respect to Powershell and other Site server and client functionalities including 3 important new changes to this update. 1) you can now assign the clients to Specific Management point (kind of restrict the client…

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Microsoft Released 3rd Cumulative Update 3 KB2994331 yesterday for System Center Configuration Manager 2012 R2 with lot of fixes,powershell changes and some of them have been modified/new stuff added. With this update,you can set a client to use a specific management point(s) by setting a registry value ,which is kind of Location Aware 😉 ,More info ,read Justin Chalfant's  blog This update replaces Cumulative Update 2 for System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager.If you have not applied CU1 or CU2 yet on your Configuration manager 2012 R2,you can directly go with CU3. Download the Cumulative Update 3 (ConfigMgr_2012_R2_CU3_KB2994331_ENU – 96.8MB) from…

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Last year i wrote blog post on summary of patch compliance status report --month wise and am sure ,it would helped many of Configmgr guys who are responsible for patching and to let security /management know whether they met the company SLA for each month or not. I have received couple of comments for my previous blog post ,asking for ,is there way to limit this report to specific collection instead of all active clients .My previous report get the compliance status for all active clients in Configmgr irrespective of ,whether you manage the patching for all clients or not.…

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Quick Post: There was a question on TechNet forum asking,about who created the collection ,More read I have seen few cases in Configmgr 2007 and less in Configmgr 2012 due to RBA ,that Configmgr guys will try to do something on collection but it ends at something that causes the resources to disappear from Configmgr database and later you know the consequences from top management. The easiest way to get the resources into Configmgr is,to run the discovery. Recently peter posted a blog about Who created that deployment and who deleted that deployment but these posts mainly focus on…

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