Configuration Manager uses collection evaluation to update collection membership, based on the collection rules you define. Collection evaluation scope and timing differ depending on site and collection configuration and evaluation type.
With Configuration Manager Technical preview release 2008, a new feature is introduced that helps to integrate collection Evaluation viewer into the configuration manager console directly.
With this new feature, we don’t need to run the standalone tool ceviewer,exe (servertools) to monitor collection evaluation data.
We can now use the console to view and monitor the collection evaluation process for troubleshooting issues such as slow collection evaluation.
The configuration manager console now displays the following information:
- Historic and live information for full and incremental collection evaluations
- The evaluation queue status
- The time for collection evaluations to complete
- Which collections are currently being evaluated
- The estimated time that a collection evaluation will start and complete
How to view the collection evaluation data in the console?
In the Configuration Manager console, go to Assets and Compliance > Overview > Device Collections.
Under the device collection, the new column called ‘Evaluation (Full) Last Completion Time’ is now enabled now by default.

Following are the list of properties for the collection that you can select to view:

You can also view the View the summary of collection information

On the summary page, you also see the Related Objects give links to view status of the collection in the specific queue under the Collection Evaluation node in the Monitoring workspace.
By clicking on each link will creates a new node is created where you can see the evaluation status for the specific collection.
You can also Monitoring collection evaluation queues from the Monitoring node.
From the Monitoring workspace, go to the Collection Evaluation node.
Clicking on the collection evaluation folder show you the total number of collections in queue and queue length is listed as a summary.
The following status summaries for the evaluation queues are listed:
- Number of collections in queue
- Queue length
- Current evaluation collection
- Current evaluation started on
- Current evaluation elapsed (seconds)

The following queues are summarized and have their own sub nodes under the Collection Evaluation:

Full Evaluation Queue: For collections due for full evaluation
Incremental Evaluation Queue: For collections with incremental evaluation
Manual Evaluation Queue: For collections that an administrator has manually selected for evaluation from the console
New Evaluation Queue: For newly created collections
This is great feature that helps administrators to view and troubleshoot the collection evaluation process.
For more information about the Collection evaluation