SCCM Configmgr Report for Boundary group relationships with Fallback Sites

Beginning with configuration manager version 1702, clients use boundary groups to find a new software update point. You can add individual software update points to different boundary groups to control which site servers, a client can find the content or update scan.

More information about boundary groups and its relationship with  software update point changes in 1702 and 1706 ,please refer TechNet link ,it has lot of information than i explain.

Few weeks ago ,i was looking at the boundaries and boundary groups that are configured for my environment with fallback information (especially distribution point and software update point).

I find it hard to locate the boundaries that are configured with fallback distribution points and fallback software update point. In case you want to know the list of boundaries/boundary groups that are configured with fallback options,there is no default report.

I have created SSRS report that will help to gather information from SQL database into nice reporting .

Following are the options available for DP group to collect the information into reporting view.


References tab:


Relationships tab:


How does the report work ?

Download the report from Technet Gallary , upload the report into Configmgr SSRS reports folder,change the data source and run the report.

When you run the report, it prompt for Site Code since all the boundary groups that you created must have assigned to specific Site Code for site assignment. If you have not assigned the boundary groups to any specific site code, they will not be listed here .

So choose the Site Code (Primary or Secondary) or select All


Boundary groups that are assigned with specific Site Code will be listed with following information.

Boundary Group Name ,Site system Role,Site Code,Fallback Boundary Group,Fallback Site System,Fallback DP,Fallback SUP.


Hope it helps!


5 Responses to "SCCM Configmgr Report for Boundary group relationships with Fallback Sites"

  1. Hi Eswar.

    Thanks for the report!
    I imported it with success to our Reporting Services but I'm getting this error after selecting the Site and click on run:

    The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'vSMS_BoundaryGroupRelationships', database 'CM_PT1', schema 'dbo'.

    Any ideas? I saw this similar post but not sure what to do...

    Thanks for your help!


    1. Fallback SUP,fallback DP information do exist only in SQL view vSMS_BoundaryGroupRelationships .The report is created to pull the information from vSMS_BoundaryGroupRelationships. Bring this your SCCM admin or SQL admin who can provide read access to schema dbo .


  2. Thanks Eswar for the report. The timing is great.
    The environment I'm working in at the moment has a single site. I had to modify the DataSet1 t-SQL a bit to get any results

    select A.[Boundary GroupName], A.[Site System Role], A.[Site Code]
    , A.DestinationGroupName [Fallback Boundary Group]
    , UPPER(SUBSTRING(bgss.ServerNALPath,13,CHARINDEX('.', bgss.ServerNALPath) -13)) [Fallback Site System]
    , A.[Fallback DP], A.[Fallback SUP]
    from (
    select bg.GroupID,bg.Name [Boundary GroupName] --, bg.DefaultSiteCode [Site Code]
    , case bg.DefaultSiteCode when '' then bgss.SiteCode else bg.DefaultSiteCode end AS [Site Code]
    , UPPER(SUBSTRING(BGSS.ServerNALPath,13,CHARINDEX('.', BGSS.ServerNALPath) -13)) [Site System Role]
    , bgrs.DestinationGroupName, bgrs.DestinationGroupID
    , case BGRS.FallbackDP when '-1' then 'No' when '120' then 'Yes' else NULL end as [Fallback DP]
    , case BGRS.FallbackSUP when '-1' then 'No' when '120' then 'Yes' else NULL end as [Fallback SUP]
    from vSMS_BoundaryGroup BG
    left join vSMS_BoundaryGroupSiteSystems BGSS on BG.GroupID=BGSS.GroupID
    left join vSMS_BoundaryGroupRelationships BGRS on bgrs.SourceGroupID=BG.GroupID
    where bg.DefaultSiteCode in (@Site) or bgss.SiteCode in (@Site)
    ) as A
    left join vSMS_BoundaryGroupSiteSystems BGSS on bgss.GroupID=A.DestinationGroupID
    order by 1

    1. so you added defaultsitecode ? is that only change you did ? we dont use default sitecode for anything so i did not focus on this 🙂



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