Ok. You are done with the installation and all the required Configurations on Primary/Secondary site,next action would be package replication…
Month: September 13, 12:31 pm
Full Details : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmgrreporting/thread/83aaf1dc-eaa9-4612-8ee2-a80020d79d0b select sys.Name0,OS.Caption0 from v_R_system sys inner join v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM OS ON os.resourceID=sys.resourceID where sys.ResourceId not in (select…
Here is simple script that helps to move the required files to different Drive. I use this script frequently to…
Microsoft recently released system center 2012 SP1 Beta product available to customers. You can download SCCM 2012 SP1 Beta…
Recently Microsoft released questionaries' on support about Windows 8 ,windows server 2012 for Configuration Manager 2012 and Forefront Endpoint Protection.…
Here is nice report to identify computers which are with more than one partition installed on to them excludes external…
Microsoft has released an update for Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) 3.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2). This article includes information…
Neil Peterson blogged about Cross Forest Support in #SCCM / #Configmgr 2012 into 4 series of guides and they are…