Content Prestage in Configmgr 2012 is a new/Updated feature from its previous Version Configmgr 2007(Preloading).Content Prestaging is mainly used for the sites which has Slow or costly network connectivity. When you are creating new site Distribution Point at remote location with Slow connectivity,you cannot distribute the missing packages due to bandwidth constraints.Configmgr 2012 allows you…
Configmgr 2012 PowerShell script add packages applications Drivers to Distribution Point

In my previous blog post,i discussed about how to compare 2 distribution points to see if they both have any applications mismatch or not.This blog post talks about how to distribute the missing applications to the Distribution Point/s. I have used basic inbuilt Configmgr PowerShell commands for this activity,to know more about avilable powershell cmdlets in Configmgr,read…

In my previous blog post,i talked about how to compare 2 distribution points to see if they both have any applications mismatch.This blog post talks about how to distribute the missing apps to the Distribution Point. I have used basic inbuilt Configmgr powershell commands for this activity,more via here Note:Use the package names as input…

In my Previous blog,I posted script On How to Refresh/Redistribute One package on List of Distribution Points This post talks about how to Refresh / Redistribute list of packages to Single distribution Point. import-module F:\sccm\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1 #Change the site Code $SiteCode = "P01" #provide the path list of packages to be Refreshed $packages =GC "C:\scripts\pkglist.txt"…

Powershell Scripting made things lot more easier in Configuration Manager 2012.You can automate console operations by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets.For list of Configmgr SP1 cmdlets,refer Manually Refresh of the Distribution Points for a specific package in Configmgr 2012 is not easy as it was in CM07. Started using the Powershell script for simple tasks…