ConfigMgr How to use Compliance Settings to check the windows update policy settings like WUServer, UseWUServer,NoAutoUpdate on clients

  When you install configuration manager client to manage any windows device ,it will try to configure local group policy to set WSUS server settings (unless you have no GPO configured to set these settings) .If at all ,you have any GPO to configure the WSUS information ,local GPO that created by configmgr client will…
System Center Updates Publisher (SCUP) September 2017 Preview 2 is available

Microsoft has released SCUP 2017 preview 2 update with enhanced update catalog to provide better experience for users in consuming large catalog updates. While old catalog formats are still supported, catalog providers will need to add information to their existing catalogues to take advantage of these improvements that exist in this preview 2 update. This…
SCCM Configmgr SUP sync error The underlying connection was closed  Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel

  I was contacted by colleague that Configmgr is not showing the updates that were published day ago by SCUP . So i started checking the SCUP configuration (proxy) and the updates status if they are published or not using the date published and also verified SCUP logs. From SCUP perspective,all looks good. Next to…
SCCM Configmgr How to make SCUP console settings available for all users and make the database as shared

If you are using SCUP (system Center Update Publisher) tool to manage 3rd Party updates integrated with Configuration manager, there are 2 things which you need to look at . 1) The settings that are configured in SCUP Console are per user specific and stored in User profile (user.config in C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Scup2011.exe_StrongName_XXXXXXXXXX) 2) Database file that…