SCCM collection for Windows update agent

2 weeks back,working on patching issues in SMS 2003 which are having some trouble.there are lot of systems which failed the patches due to windows update agent doesnt exisit on the machines(identified the cause because of this) more information look here .It is bit hard to find the systems by looking at resource explorer and finding if it has latest windows update agent or not ? so just create a collection and advertise the package( windows update agent) on to this collection to get the good success rate for patching.

select ResourceId, ResourceType, Name, SMSUniqueIdentifier, ResourceDomainORWorkgroup, Client from  SMS_R_System where ResourceId not in (select ResourceID from  SMS_G_System_WINDOWSUPDATEAGENTVERSION)

You can also try creating SCCM report to see the count of different versions of Windows Update Agent.

select a.version0 as 'Windows Update Agent Versions', count(*) as 'Count of WUA'
group by a.version0

Note:make sure that,windows  update agent property is enabled(to collect this data  from clients ) in your sms_def.mof file .

Another information which i observerd was,many computers are with old version due to which computers may not be able to report properly to SMS site server about newly released patches if they required these patches or not.

This could be due to microsoft update tool not ran properly or due to hardware scan agent not reported to SMS site server etc.

So,first try creating a collection to idenfity which are all the computers with old Package version( given below:

The below report is for SMS 2003 environment not for SCCM since file no more with SCCM.

select SMS_R_System.ResourceID,SMS_R_System.ResourceType,SMS_R_System.Name,SMS_R_System.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_System.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_System.Client from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_SCANPACKAGEVERSION on SMS_G_System_SCANPACKAGEVERSION.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_SCANPACKAGEVERSION.PackageVer < "70"

Where 70 is the package version Id which can be identified from SMS console-->system status--->package staus--->Microsoft Update tool(if you have not changed the name).

4 Responses to "SCCM collection for Windows update agent"

  1. i created sccm report using the above query but the collection do not show any WUA version in it. it is just pulling the list but cant tell what version it is.

    1. Hi,
      the first and 3rd are collections and they give machines which do not have WUA and WUA lessthan 7.
      the middle one is SCCM report ,that gives you count of machine with WUA agent version avilable from SCCM .
      Collections will not show the WUA version rather please create report to list machines with WUA version.
      The middle report shows you WUA versions.

  2. thanks!man,there are quite some useful reports which can even save reinevting whell again.btw,does it een work in SCCM to see if the windows agent version is exisit or not?


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