SCCM Configmgr report:Inventory for Webcam Devices ?

Inventory report for laptops who have webcam feature ? You can use this report both on SCCM 2007 and Configmgr 2012 Environment. select cs.name0 [Computer name], cs.username0 [Last loggedin User], os.Caption0 [OS],os.InstallDate0 [OS Installed Date], cs.Manufacturer0,cs.Model0 , WS.LastHWScan [Reported Date to SCCM] from v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM cs,v_GS_SYSTEM_ENCLOSURE se,v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM OS,  v_GS_WORKSTATION_STATUS WS where cs.ResourceID=se.ResourceID and cs.ResourceID=OS.ResourceID and cs.ResourceID=WS.ResourceID…