Long back have posted how to download prerequsisits which are required for configMgr 2012 RC1 http://eskonr.com/2011/10/configuration-manager-2012-prerequisites-download/ . Day ago there was ConfigMgr 2012 RC2 released with some modifications ,avilable here to download ConfigMgr 2012 RC2 http://eskonr.com/2012/01/configmgr-2012-rc2-released/ . In ConfigMgr 2012 RC1 we have 13 files are prereq where as in RC2 we have 25 files as prereq.…

System Center solutions help you manage your physical and virtual IT environments across datacenters, desktops, and devices. Using these integrated and automated management solutions, you can be a more productive service provider for your business. System Center captures and aggregates knowledge about systems, policies, processes, and best practices so that you can optimize your infrastructure…