are you looking for smsts.log file while running SCCM OSD Task sequence. smsts.log file will move on to different places when OS is deploying depending on the progress of the build and the architecture of the cont sit in…

When you install SMS or SCCM client,clients need to authenticate their management point prior to establishing communications to prevent attackers from inserting rogue management points and redirecting clients to them to get it . sometimes,client will fail to identify its…

  Below is the report to list computers with IP address and Subnet information from Given collection. select distinct A.Name0,c.IPAddress0 ,D.IP_Subnets0 from v_R_System A inner join v_FullCollectionMembership B on A.ResourceID=B.ResourceID Inner join v_GS_NETWORK_ADAPTER_CONFIGUR  C ON A.ResourceID=C.ResourceID Inner Join v_RA_System_IPSubnets D…

In Last post,we have seen how toInstall App-V 4.6 Management Server in windows Server 2008 .In this post,we will configure management server to publish the default application to the users. Log into App-V Management server with Account that must be…

Brief About What is App-V : Microsoft Application Virtualization enables you to deploy, update, and support applications as services in real time, on an as-needed basis. When you use App-V, you transform individual applications from locally installed products into centrally…