If you want to remove the registry key from local machine from windows 32 Bit OS (it will also remove the values residing in the key),try the below script as adminstrator (RUN AS). If you are using any deployment tool…
System center configuration Manager 2012 RC2 is released and avilable to download now. It will be available from the System Center Eval Center: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/hh505660.aspx I have tried it downloading but i can see other components along with System center configmgr…
had a requirement to see how many computer falls within the specific subnet. select a.name0,b.IP_Subnets0 from v_R_System a,dbo.v_RA_System_IPSubnets b where a.ResourceID=b.ResourceID and b.IP_Subnets0 in ('') group by a.name0,b.IP_Subnets0 You can include other subnet details if you need.
simple and straight forward report that gives you the computers with operating system,CSD version(service Pack),Version number,OS Installed date,LastBootup time.windows Directory etc. You can customise this by adding additional colums http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd334593.aspx and Creating Custom Reports By Using Configuration Manager 2007 SQL…
To kick off the new year, I’d like to share with you data on my blog’s activity in 2011. You may start scrolling! Crunchy numbers : In 2011, there were 33 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to…
The idea for this blog started one rainy Saturday afternoon when my 5-year-old daughter hopped on the computer and pulled up her favorite online game. It was amazing how quickly she’s learned to use a computer. And, for the most…
We’ve seen this issue come up a couple of times so I wanted to give it a mention here just in case you run into it. The problem is that you may notice that a System Center Configuration Manager 2007…
For those who have/do not have environment to explore system center configuration manager 2012 and its features before the product is launched and get ready for it ,Microsoft has few labs (hope will have more labs on all the features…
Long back i posted report http://eskonr.com/2009/12/sccm-report-for-computers-asset-information-including-sn-number-and-model-name/ to get computer information like computer name,Serial number,Processor,Physical memory,service Pack,computer model etc In this post ,i have modified the report little bit from previous post to add more fields that gives you lot more information…
The collection listed below might help you to identify if any computers in organization that do not follow the standard naming convention . Below collection is created to list servers and do not contain specific words in computer name: select…
I’m Eswar Koneti ,a tech enthusiast, security advocate, and your guide to Microsoft Intune and Modern Device Management. My goal? To turn complex tech into actionable insights for a streamlined management experience. Let’s navigate this journey together!