We already know that Configuration Manager no longer uses the reporting point; the reporting services point is the only site system role that Configuration Manager now uses for reporting. The reporting services point is a site system role that is…

When you have a Configuration Manager hierarchy, install and configure the software update point at the central administration site first, and then install and configure the software update points on other sites. Some settings are only available when you configure…

Have been using nice SCCM 2007 right click tools by Rick Houchins available from http://myitforum.com/cs2/blogs/rhouchins/archive/2008/04/09/sccm-right-click-tools.aspx that will help troubleshooting sccm clients and make them healthy with minimal steps… and now Configuration manager 2012 is out so we need SCCM 2012…

  The Application Approval Workflow (AAW) extends your application approval process. End users can easily request applications on-demand directly through the Configuration Manager Application Catalog or via redirection from the Service Manager Self-Service Portal. Application requests requiring approval are routed…

The ConfigMgr 2012 Package Conversion Manager (PCM) tool allows administrators to convert their legacy SCCM 2007 packages and programs into the new ConfigMgr 2012 Application and Deployment Types. This applies for all legacy packages apart from virtual APP-V packages that…

Mike has blogged nice post on on http://blogs.technet.com/b/michaelgriswold/archive/2012/04/27/how-do-i-get-the-right-permissions-in-configmgr-2012.aspx how RBA works Role and Scope… If you are new to System Center 2012 Configuration Manager and learning the new Role Based Authentication (RBA) model you may initially grasp the concept that…

earlier I posted entry to list all virtual computers http://eskonr.com/2011/04/sccm-collection-for-virtual-or-physical-computers/ this collection gives you all computers that are Physical (running as Host) not Virtual… select SMS_R_System.ResourceId, SMS_R_System.ResourceType, SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.SMSUniqueIdentifier, SMS_R_System.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup, SMS_R_System.Client from  SMS_R_System Where SMS_R_System.ResourceId not in (select SMS_R_System.ResourceId from …