Good news to Configmgr guys.Yesterday Microsoft announced another Free book called “Microsoft System Center: Troubleshooting Configuration Manager “ which talks about site hirarchy,distribution points,understanding configuration manager components,log files,troubleshooting scenarios. I think this guide will provide you to understand various components…

Full details:   select cs.Name0 [Computer name],COUNT(*) as [No of Times] from v_GS_SoftwareFile SF,v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM cs where FileName like '%.mdf%' and SF.ResourceID=cs.ResourceID group by cs.Name0 order by 2 desc

Long ago,posted Configmgr SP1 SQL Views in spreadsheet which you can download it via post SQL Views are very useful while working with reports and it saves lot of time in searching the particular information if you are unsure…

We have been seeing many hotfixes and Cumulative updates for configmgr 2012 product .For each hotfix /CU level,the client version will get change. As you test and deploy these hotfixes /CU's in your environment ,you are also required to maintain…

Few Days ago,Microsoft released Cumulative Update 3 (supersedes Cumulative update 2 ) for Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 which has around 18 fixes related OSD,Powershell,Software Distribution etc. More about the hotfix and download refer Installation of Cumulative Update 3 on…