Microsoft Azure portal for Intune provide you the information about user sign-in activities (includes usage of managed applications) and Audit Logs (information about users ,group management ,your managed applications and directory activities) through reporting. The information which is tracked ,will…

I have got  my standalone Intune setup with few devices enrolled . In this post, i will go through the reporting feature using  using Power BI to connect to Intune to load data and generate reports dynamically. These reports will…

OverJoyed …..I got an email yesterday from the Microsoft MVP Award team saying that ,I have been awarded with Microsoft MVP award in Enterprise Mobility for 2017. I am extremely proud and honored to receive this award. I started…

To manage software updates using SCCM/Configmgr, software update scan (with help of windows update agent) is mandatory without which ,client cannot download the update catalog (metadata) from WSUS and perform the scan for letting the server know what is required…

Few months ago ,i wrote blog post about how to use Compliance Settings to clean content in ccmcache folder. For more information, please refer This blog post is about deletion of client log files that contain SCNotify and SCClient.…