SCCM Configmgr SQL Error The SELECT permission was denied on the object database CM_Sitecode-schema-dbo

Running SQL queries directly from SQL server management studio is not safe method until you know what you are doing but it is always Good to use reporting services in Configmgr 2012. when you are running SQL code using SQL management studio,you get error something like below due to insufficient privileges on the selected Database:…
SCCM Configmgr 2012 SSRS Report Package compliance status for all Distribution Points

Simple and useful report for troubleshooting package issues: Package compliance Status report to know what is the success rate of the Applications/Packages/Driver/SUP on the Distribution Points: select UPPER(SUBSTRING(PSD.ServerNALPath,13,CHARINDEX('.', PSd.ServerNALPath) -13)) AS [DP Name],count(*) [Targeted] , count(CASE when PSD.State='0' then '*' END) AS 'Installed', count(CASE when PSD.State not in ('0') then '*' END) AS 'Not Installed',…

Are you Migrating your Existing SCCM /Configuration Manager Infrastructure to Configuration manager 2012 ,if so, You will have to look at your Packages whether  they UNC path or Local Drive Path since Migration of Packages using Local Drive(Non UNC) can not done. Before you Migrate the Packages from CM07,you will have to ensure all of…

SQL Code used in SCCM Reporting to get list of Advertisements that are Mandatory! select adv.AdvertisementName as [Adv Name], adv.PresentTime as DistributionDate, pkg.Name as PackageName, pgm.ProgramName, coll.Name as CollectioName, adv.AdvertisementID from v_Advertisement adv join v_Package pkg on adv.PackageID=pkg.PackageID join v_Program pgm on adv.PackageID=pgm.PackageID and adv.ProgramName=pgm.ProgramName join v_Collection coll on adv.CollectionID=coll.CollectionID join v_ClientAdvertisementStatus stat on adv.AdvertisementID=stat.AdvertisementID…

The way SCCM Configmgr 2012 object information stored is changed from CM07 with respect to tables/views. In SCCM Configmgr 2012,Status of content stored in dbo.vSMS_DistributionDPStatus view.This view basically contains information about packageID,content status,objectTypeID like what type of package is it(boot image or package/Application etc) and status message ID. These status Message IDs and State Message…
SCCM Configmgr 2007 Reporting services Error ‘Cannot create a connection to data source’

  When i try to run SCCM Reporting Services Report,I get error always saying ‘Cannot create a connection to data source 'AutoGen__5C6358F2_4BB6_4a1b_A16E_8D96795D8602_'. I verified if the user has  sufficient permissions to access the database (datasource) or not,User has enough permissions. Error Message: If you look at the above Screen shot,it says “You have specified integrated…