SCCM Configmgr Get count of software updates with its severity (Critical,Important,Moderate and Low)

Quick post on how to get count of list of updates or count of updates in your Configuration Manager with severity categorised as Critical,Important,Moderate and Low. In order to get this information count of updates with severity, you first need to identify what the SQL views that store this information about software updates. Get the…
SCCM Configmgr Unable to run SSRS reports due to HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

Setting up Configuration Manager current branch (1702) lab for testing. While running the Configmgr reports using IE browser ,http://servername/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx ,it failed with error code HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. SQL server installed locally on Configmgr box . I have seen this error couple of time but i don't remember what was the solution to get…
SCCM Configmgr powershell to install Distribution Point role on multiple computers

Installing the distribution point on workstation or server is straight forward method from console .All you need is ,an account that has local admin rights on remote computer to install IIS components and install DP role. To install Distribution point role on remote computer, Open configuration manager ,go to administration node, expand site configuration ,right…
SCCM Configmgr Failed to initiate install of WSUS updates, error = 0x80246002

While i was checking the software update compliance reports for Microsoft and Non-Microsoft (3rd party updates ,SCUP integrated) ,i see that ,compliance report looks good for Microsoft but not for 3rd party updates. SCCM Version: Configmgr Current Branch 1702 with SCUP integrated for 3rd party updates. During the investigation on 1 client, found that ,it…
SCCM SSRS The report parameter has a default value or valid value that depends on the report parameter UserSIDs.Forward dependencies are not valid

  Other day,I was trying to create my first SCCM Configmgr SSRS report with RBA (role based administration) what it means is ,data for all reports included with Configuration Manager is filtered based on the permissions of the administrative user who runs the report. Administrative users with specific roles can only view information defined for…
SCCM Configmgr Technical Preview update 1704 available

Microsoft released April update 1704  for SCCM Configmgr Technical preview with some new features and improvements to the existing features that are reported through user voice  . These technical preview updates will help you to test in lab environment and report feedback to Microsoft before they make into current Branch (Production Version). You can install…
SCCM Current Branch Remote Console connectivity issues Insufficient privilege to connect, error Access is denied

Since few days ,i have been working on the SCCM console connectivity issues from remote box. This is completely new setup replacing the existing CAS with primaries and going with flat design (1 Primary site.There is blog post coming soon on the SCCM design considerations and notes from the field ) As part of setting…