Usually when applications are installed,they wont repot to site server with installed software and its details why because the value…
Browsing: SCCM Reports
This catagory contains list of sccm reports and its relevent information
SELECT b.Netbios_Name0, b.User_Name0, CASE WHEN a.FileVersion LIKE '11.%' THEN 'Office 2003' WHEN a.FileVersion LIKE '12.%' THEN 'Office 2007'…
SELECT COUNT(distinct ResourceID) as [Count], IP_Subnets0 as Subnet FROM dbo.v_RA_System_IPSubnets WHERE IP_Subnets0 NOT IN (SELECT IPSubnet…
had a requirement to see how many computer falls within the specific subnet. select a.name0,b.IP_Subnets0 from v_R_System a,dbo.v_RA_System_IPSubnets b where…
simple and straight forward report that gives you the computers with operating system,CSD version(service Pack),Version number,OS Installed date,LastBootup Directory…
Long back i posted report to get computer information like computer name,Serial number,Processor,Physical memory,service Pack,computer model etc In this post…
In this post,we will see how to get heartbeat discovery (DDR) time for the clients from specific collection using Reports.For…
This is continuation to the post avilable here on Report posted on the above link doesnt give you the…