How to change the Site Code of a SMS/SCCM client: The scripts which are listed here can run on local computer and remote computer.To get results from remote WMI repository,you should have sufficient permissions(local administrator) on the remote computer. here is a simple VB Script which will change the site code of SMS/SCCM client computer.You can run this script on on remote computers using pexec tool. Set smsClient = createObject("Microsoft.SMS.Client") smsClient.SetAssignedSite "C01", 0 Set smsClient = Nothing VB Script for list of applications (programs) installed on remote computer: strComputer = InputBox ("Enter Machine Name") Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcel.Visible =…
Author: Eswar Koneti
i was doing OS refreshment with SCCM MDT and i have a TS that has all my configurations required.When it advertised on to the machine,it gets failed with error code 0x00002024.Looked in to the smsts.log file which is located in system32\ccm\logs\smsts.log found the errors like Failed to import the client certificate store (0x80092024) OSDSMPClient 04-01-2010 03:48:17 1856 (0x0740) ClientRequestToMP::DoRequest failed (0x80092024). OSDSMPClient 04-01-2010 03:48:17 ExecuteCaptureRequestMP failed (0x80092024). OSDSMPClient 04-01-2010 03:48:17 ExecuteCaptureRequest failed (0x80092024). OSDSMPClient 04-01-2010 03:48:17 Failed to run the action: Request State Store. Credit's goes to Anders Ahl for extensive troubleshooting and a new workaround. Workaround #1: Uninstall KB…
select CS.name0 as 'PC name', WS.LastHWScan as 'Last HW scan Date' from dbo.v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM CS join dbo.v_GS_WORKSTATION_STATUS WS on CS.resourceID = WS.resourceID Where CS.resourceID not in (select R.resourceID from v_R_System R)
SELECT GS.Name0 as 'PC Name', GSS.DisplayName0 as 'Service', GSS.StartMode0 as 'Startup', GSS.State0 as 'State' FROM v_GS_SERVICE GSS, v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM GS Where GSS.StartMode0 = 'Auto' and GSS.State0 != 'Running' and GSS.ResourceID = GS.ResourceID ORDER BY GS.Name0, GSS.DisplayName0 Thanks to jones for original post.
when deplying image on to bare metal PC,sometimes it may require to get multiple partitions like C,D,E ect depends on the organization requirement.(Going down the route of making multiple partitions is like having multiple wives/girlfriends/lovers… it’s all fun and games for a while but ends with disaster). Here are simple steps that make simpler. 1.On your task sequence,get in to Preinstall->New computer only->formate and partition disk ,on the right pane click on star burst and select 2 volumes (with specific size for each partitions) and made both as primary .(in this case,u will get 2 partitions like C,E). if you need more partitions do as…
Thre are many methods which you can achive this task but i like this way in doing for prompting the computer name in MDT SCCM when deploying an image would be using the below simple VB script.It deals with known and unknown computers. set env = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment") 'Set the OSDComputerName variable to the detected name assuming this is a known computer env("OSDComputerName") = env("_SMSTSMachineName") 'If the detected name contains "MININT" then this is an unknown computer so ask for a name If InStr(1,env("OSDComputerName"),"MININT",1) then Name = inputbox("Rename Computer" ,"Please enter the new Computer name below:",env("OSDComputerName"),400,0) env("OSDComputerName") = Name…
Failure of Task sequence during the PXE is very common and sometimes it is very difficult to know why is it failing until you get the smsts logs .There could be various reasons why the Task sequence is failing.If you try to look at the reports,you may not get exact reason for the failure .There are couple of solutions to get the smsts*. logs incase of task sequence failure .Some of them are given here. 1) you can add task sequence action to copy the logs to share location using cmd as given in 2)Manually getting the logs using…
There are no questions to read for the interview if you really worked on the any technology practically unless and until to see how the questions can be framed/asked in interview. I would like to put some not all questions on SCCM 2007 since it is Huge and many questions can be framed if you gone through the SCCM Guide on TechNet . This post will keep updated on Day to Day basic with Newly Faqs. Systems Management Server 2003 Technical Frequently Asked Questions : Planning and Deployment Site Systems Clients Discovery Inventory Software Metering Software Distribution and Packaging Remote…