What is RBA? RBA a simplified administration of security permissions within the ConfigMgr environment. This allows organizations to use Security Roles to group sets of permissions together that collectively define an administrative span of control. There are 13 out of the box (in the current beta) and these are customizable, or can be added to for additional role definition. The end goal is to show what is relevant to the person doing the work, without distracting them , or creating a situation where something can happen. RBA is: A common look and feel across System Center products in console Designed…
Author: Eswar Koneti
The SuperFlow interactive content model provides a structured and interactive interface for viewing documentation. Each SuperFlow includes comprehensive information about a specific dataflow, workflow, or process. Depending on the focus of the SuperFlow. you will find overview information, steps that include detailed information, procedures, sample log entries, best practices, real-world scenarios, troubleshooting information, security information, animations, or other information. Each SuperFlow also includes links to relevant resources, such as Web sites or local files that are copied to your computer when you install the SuperFlow. The SuperFlow for Configuring Software Updates provides detailed steps that help you to plan for…
Have seen many forums about client push installation method in which SCCM fails to install Client on target computers because of security permissions to connect to admin$. Though there are many ways in doing this process, I prefer to use Group Policy over script based method since it gives me better central control overview of configuration. 1. Go to Active Directory users and Computers Add the user Account to member of above sec group which you want to make it as local admin on all the computers. Now create a Group Policy in which you will make the user account…
Below are some the links which are about System center configuration manager 2007 which you can have it reference. How to - Step by Step setup of a System Center Configuration Manager test lab: http://blogs.technet.com/kevinsul_blog/archive/2010/01/07/how-to-information-on-how-to-install-and-configure-configmgr-for-testing-reloaded.aspx you can download a SCCM R2 Test Drive VHD: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=e0fadab7-0620-481d-a8b6-070001727c56&displaylang=en System Center TechNet Virtual Labs: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/virtuallabs/bb539977.aspx General SCCM Information: SCCM Home Page -http://www.microsoft.com/systemcenter/configurationmanager/en/us/default.aspx SCCM TechCenter - http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/systemcenter/cm/default.aspx SCCM Documentation Library - http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb680651.aspx SCCM 2007 Case Studies - http://www.microsoft.com/systemcenter/en/us/configuration-manager/cm-case-studies.aspx myITforum - http://www.myitforum.com/absolutenm/ Training link from Bryan Kinnan - http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/systemcenter/cm/ff597934.aspx Video link from Greg Paff - http://blogs.technet.com/deploymentguys/archive/2008/03/20/sccm-2007-and-microsoft-deployment-toolkit-video-walkthrough.aspx SCCM Blogs: http://blogs.technet.com/configmgrteam/default.aspx http://blogs.technet.com/wemd_ua_-_sms_writing_team/default.aspx http://blogs.technet.com/kevinsul_blog/default.aspx http://blogs.technet.com/configurationmgr/default.aspx…
By default in SCCM,you do not have separate collections for Windows 7 or server 2008 OS as like you have in Windows XP and server 2003.You can create a query based collection using the following method/ query. collection for windows 7: Right click on collections and say new collection ,go to query based collection and paste the below syntax. select SMS_R_System.ResourceID,SMS_R_System.ResourceType,SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_System.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup, SMS_R_System.Client from SMS_R_System where OperatingSystemNameandVersion like "%Workstation 6.1%" collection for Windows server 2008 or server 2008 R2: select SMS_R_System.ResourceID,SMS_R_System.ResourceType,SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_System.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup, SMS_R_System.Client from SMS_R_System where OperatingSystemNameandVersion like "%Server 6.0%" If you looking for server 2008 R2 ,the version…
Though the original post is avilable in windows-noob , having utilised the original task seqeunce, there are slight modifications done to carryout this task which are simple to upgrade WinXP to win7. To use the existing Task sequence in 64 Bit OS , you will have to create additional packages like USMT and Micrisoft runscanstate pacakges which are used to in exisitng TS. 1. Create a New package"USMT x64 Only" which will point to source directory c:\program files\WAIK\tools\USMT\amd64. Do not create any program for this. MAke it avialble on to DP. 2.Open notepad ,paste the below code and name it as…
Here are the some of the points which are summarized on how operating system deployment works in PXE/Media intiated. How OSD Works on a bare metal System when Media Intiated: 1. Administrator imports the information about the bare metal system to the SCCM database using ”import computer information wizard” If you are not running SCCM 2007 on R2.SMS provider inserts computer info into SCCM Databse (for more info look at SMS provider.log) 2. Admin prepares the task sequence for installation and targets to a collection which contains bare metal machines.If you are on SCCM R2 with service pack ,you can…
In a default installation, Windows creates the page file in the root folder on the same drive that holds the Windows system files. The size of the page file is determined by the amount of RAM in the system. By default, the minimum size on a 32-bit (x86) system is 1.5 times the amount of physical RAM if physical RAM is less than 1 GB, and equal to the amount of physical RAM plus 300 MB if 1 GB or more is installed. The default maximum size is three times the amount of RAM, regardless of how much physical RAM…