SCCM Report Compare packages on 2 DPS: Ok You are done with installation of Primary / Second... # Monitoring SCCM packages on child sites using senderanalyser tool...: # Troubleshooting of Distributed applications in #SCCM / #Configmgr 2007: # Troubleshooting #SCCM / #Configmgr Packages: If you are in Large #SCCM / #Configmgr 2007 Env... # done the installation of #SCCM / #Configmgr 2012 CAS+Primary...Going with Configurations and Clients etc stuff... # ok how about Integration of RDS with #Configmgr 2012 then ? # Web Casts :Deploying a Hyper-V host cluster, Virtual Machine Manager,Operations Manager,…
Author: Eswar Koneti
Once you are done with installation/configuration of the sites/Distribution Point,you start distributing the content to it.sometimes you may have to check if the site which you configured has all the content that serve for clients to receive packages. For this,you can compare the newly configured server with already existing server which has all the content including packages,drivers,SUP ,OSD etc . Here is simple report compare the list of packages missing from newly configured server: sccm2012sec is considered as base server which has all the content in it sccm2012nor is newly configured one select s.SiteCode,s.PackageID,p.Name,(p.sourcesize)/1024 as "size(MB)",s.sourceversion as "DPVersion",p.storedpkgversion as Latversion,s.Installstatus…
I was going through TechNet,thought of making it a side note on this Topic. When you extend the Active Directory schema for SCCM 2012 and the site is published to Active Directory Domain Services and many client installation properties are published to Active Directory Domain Services. If a computer can locate these client installation properties, it can use them during Configuration Manager client deployment. There are many Client deployment methods of which only few methods searches AD Domain services for client installation properties*. Below are the client installation properties that are published by SCCM to Active Directory Domain Services when…
While Installing SCCM 2012 SP1 Beta on My Hyper-V,I had some trouble with SQL server Collation and some prerequisites like .net framework etc. Thought of sharing the step by step installation of SCCM 2012 SP1 Beta .This might be helpful to you . In this post,I will go through the installation of SQL server 2008 R2 SP1 CU6. For Installation of Central Administration Site for Installation of Primary Site attaching to CAS. For SCCM 2012 SP1 Beta Prerequisites,Please refer For Supported configurations of SCCM 2012 SP1 Beta Please refer TechNet Guide Download Full Version of SCCM…
In My Previous Post, We saw how to install SQL server 2008 R2 SP1 with CU6 and some configurations. In This post,Will go through the installation of CAS and Primary Site. I will start with the installation of .Network Framework 4.0 and it requires Restart of your Server. If you see error error code 0Xc80000222 with .net framework, refer Next Extending Schema to publish Attributes to Active Directory(Ensure you are schema Admin) and this is once Time Activity which can not be reverted back. Extend the schema from smssetup/bin/X64\extadsch.exe . Look at the log file from c:\Extadsch.log…
In Previous posts we Build Domain Controller ,SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 CU6 and Installation of CAS In this post we build SCCM 2012 Primary Site as Child to CAS. Install all the Prerequisites like IIS,BITS etc. Install SQL server 2008 R2 SP1 CU6 with required configurations. Install .Net framework and ADK(Assessment and deployment Tool Kit) Tools as we did in Previous post (CAS site installation). I get the below error an Error though I used same collation and port number 4022. “SQL Connection Failed Connection :CCAR_DB_ACCESS Type: Unsecure” “Failed to Connect to the SQL server,Connection Type…
If you are in Large #SCCM / #Configmgr 2007 Environment with multiple site dispersed geographically and you try to distribute the packages to site .So what happens next ? Do you keep looking at logs(sender.log) to troubleshoot whether my site is sending any data to child or not ? If so How long would you look at the log ? Our Friend (Dan) has developed Simple application that would read in and construe the sender.log and display all the details in a nice readable format. You would require to enter the Parent Site server name (to list all the…
I was installing Primary site on Windows server 2008 R2 as child to CAS and all the prerequisites were met except .Net Framework 4.0 and it keeps failing me with error code :0xc8000222. I tried installing the setup using administrator /Extracting the setup files but doesn’t fix the issue. Error While running the setup file : Error While running the Extracted Content : Google Search provided me a couple of answers and below one worked perfectly. You will have stop the Windows Update service and rename the software distribution folder from your windows and then start the service before you…