SCCM Configmgr How to make SCUP console settings available for all users and make the database as shared

If you are using SCUP (system Center Update Publisher) tool to manage 3rd Party updates integrated with Configuration manager, there are 2 things which you need to look at . 1) The settings that are configured in SCUP Console are per user specific and stored in User profile (user.config in C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Scup2011.exe_StrongName_XXXXXXXXXX) 2) Database file that…
SCCM Configmgr Clean Old Client logs that contain SCNotify and SCClient using Compliance Settings

Few months ago ,i wrote blog post about how to use Compliance Settings to clean content in ccmcache folder. For more information, please refer This blog post is about deletion of client log files that contain SCNotify and SCClient. What does these logs capture information about ? SCNotify_<domain>@<username>_1.log : Records the activity for notifying…