Good news to Configmgr guys.Yesterday Microsoft announced another Free book called “Microsoft System Center: Troubleshooting Configuration Manager “ which talks…
Year: November 13, 7:47 am
If you search on the web for Configmgr patch compliance report ,you get various links that talk about compliance reports…
Full details: select cs.Name0 [Computer name],COUNT(*) as [No of Times] from v_GS_SoftwareFile SF,v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM cs where FileName like '%.mdf%' and…
Long ago,posted Configmgr SP1 SQL Views in spreadsheet which you can download it via post SQL Views are very…
There was a question in forum list about how to get count of clients by its status (active,obsolete etc). I…
Second Tuesday of every month called Microsoft patch Day 🙂 Patches get released and configmgr* guys busy in testing ,moving…
We have been seeing many hotfixes and Cumulative updates for configmgr 2012 product .For each hotfix /CU level,the client version…
Few Days ago,Microsoft released Cumulative Update 3 (supersedes Cumulative update 2 ) for Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 which has around…