Connecting to Resource Explorer of Computer is always not good(takes time) to Search for computer in SCCM collection
and move further.Some times you may not find the computer in the collection where you are looking at then you comeback
and look in All desktops and servers which may take time to load all computers and then offers you to search for computer.
Come up with Simple Batch script that prompt you to enter Computer name and it takes you to Resource Explorer of Computer.
You may require to edit the fields in Red Color for SCCM Installation Folder,SCCM server name and sitecode
@echo off
Title Resource Explorer By ESKONR
> temp.vbs ECHO WScript.Echo InputBox( "To which Computer would you like to connect?", "Resource Explorer by ESKONR", "Enter Computer Name" )
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('CSCRIPT.EXE //NoLogo temp.vbs') DO SET dator=%%A
DEL temp.vbs
cd \SCCM\AdminUI\bin
SET var='%dator%'
start resourceexplorer.msc -s -sms:ResExplrQuery="SELECT ResourceID FROM SMS_R_SYSTEM WHERE NAME = %var%" -sms:connection=\\%SCCM SERVER%\root\sms\site_%SITECODE%
Thanks to my Old Friend Marcus!
Until Then!