Configmgr 2012 PowerShell script add packages applications Drivers to Distribution Point

In my previous blog post,i discussed about how to compare 2 distribution points to see if they both have any applications mismatch or not.This blog post talks about how to distribute the missing applications to the Distribution Point/s. I have used basic inbuilt Configmgr PowerShell commands for this activity,to know more about avilable powershell cmdlets in Configmgr,read…
SCCM 2012 SSRS report Site Servers and its assigned boundary information

Quick post on the Boundaries and its assigned Site Servers which are nothing but Distribution Points.Simply creating boundaries does not make clients to get connected to DP and download the content. you will have create assign these boundaries to boundary group and boundary group to Site+Content location. Here is report to list all Boundaries and…

In my previous blog post,i talked about how to compare 2 distribution points to see if they both have any applications mismatch.This blog post talks about how to distribute the missing apps to the Distribution Point. I have used basic inbuilt Configmgr powershell commands for this activity,more via here Note:Use the package names as input…

With the default report,you can get Count or list of PC’s from domain Eg: Computers in a specific workgroup or domain. If you want to know the count of PC’s with specific role like standalone workstation a.k.a Workgroup computers,member workstation,member server,standalone server etc,use the below report . I use property called DomainRole0 from V_GS_Computer_system view…
SCCM Configmgr report:Inventory for Webcam Devices ?

Inventory report for laptops who have webcam feature ? You can use this report both on SCCM 2007 and Configmgr 2012 Environment. select cs.name0 [Computer name], cs.username0 [Last loggedin User], os.Caption0 [OS],os.InstallDate0 [OS Installed Date], cs.Manufacturer0,cs.Model0 , WS.LastHWScan [Reported Date to SCCM] from v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM cs,v_GS_SYSTEM_ENCLOSURE se,v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM OS,  v_GS_WORKSTATION_STATUS WS where cs.ResourceID=se.ResourceID and cs.ResourceID=OS.ResourceID and cs.ResourceID=WS.ResourceID…
SCCM Configmgr 2012 How to deploy / Manage reports to specific Folder in report Manager

By Default,during the installation of reporting services role ,Configuration Manager 2012 will create and publish the reports to Configmgr_SiteCode (Ex:Configmgr_P01) Folder in Report Manager if you have not changed the default path name while installing Configuration Manager.   while the default reports always do not meet our needs in real time,it is required to create…

In my Previous blog,I posted script On How to Refresh/Redistribute One package on List of Distribution Points This post talks about how to Refresh / Redistribute list of packages to Single distribution Point. import-module F:\sccm\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1 #Change the site Code $SiteCode = "P01" #provide the path list of packages to be Refreshed $packages =GC "C:\scripts\pkglist.txt"…
SCCM Configmgr SQL Error The SELECT permission was denied on the object database CM_Sitecode-schema-dbo

Running SQL queries directly from SQL server management studio is not safe method until you know what you are doing but it is always Good to use reporting services in Configmgr 2012. when you are running SQL code using SQL management studio,you get error something like below due to insufficient privileges on the selected Database:…