Ok. You are done with the installation and all the required Configurations on Primary/Secondary site,next action would be package replication which you can do either by copying all the required PCK files from available DP to new server ,Preload the packages(Note : Preload works only for standard Software Packages) and add the preload packages to…

Full Details : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmgrreporting/thread/83aaf1dc-eaa9-4612-8ee2-a80020d79d0b select sys.Name0,OS.Caption0 from v_R_system sys inner join v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM OS ON os.resourceID=sys.resourceID where sys.ResourceId not in (select ResourceId from   v_RA_System_SystemGroupName where System_Group_Name0 = 'TIGA\W2K3SecurityBaseline' or System_Group_Name0 = 'TIGA\W2K8SecurityBaseline') and OS.Caption0 like '%Server%'

Here is simple script that helps to move the required files to different Drive. I use this script frequently to move the PCK files(only the required PCK files from a near site) from one to other folder after building my site sever before I run my Preload Tool for all the packages at one go.…

  Microsoft recently released system center 2012 SP1 Beta product available to customers. You can download SCCM 2012 SP1 Beta from the link here http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/F/4/7F43F032-6E61-4376-9BD5-22190ADE9626/ConfigMgr_SCEP_2012_SP1_Beta_ENU_7782.exe Updates to System Center 2012 for compatibility with Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 and other enhancements including support for Azure VM and capabilities for Hosted Service Providers. The Beta includes…

Recently Microsoft released questionaries' on support about Windows 8 ,windows server 2012 for Configuration Manager 2012 and Forefront Endpoint Protection. This blog post addresses the Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 support questions you’ve been asking about for Configuration Manager and Endpoint Protection. Question: Which versions of Configuration Manager will support Windows 8 and Windows…

Here is nice report to identify computers which are with more than one partition installed on to them excludes external drives. select CS.Name0 as [Computer name],        MAX(OU.System_OU_Name0)as [OU],        CS.UserName0 as [Last loggedon User],        FCM.Sitecode ,        OS.Caption0 AS [OS],        OS.InstallDate0 [OS Installed Date],        WS.LastHWScan [Recent Reported to sccm]      from …

Microsoft has released an update for Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) 3.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2). This article includes information about the contents of the update and how to obtain the update. Issues that are fixed : This update lets servers that are running Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) 3.0 SP2 provide updates to computers…

Neil Peterson blogged about Cross Forest Support in #SCCM / #Configmgr 2012 into 4 series of guides and they are listed below. Introduction - Welcome to the last in this series of four articles examining cross forest support in 2012 Configuration Manager.  In the previous three postings I have examined configuration options for client management…