Below listed the basic reports to display computers with particular add and remove application installed on computers. Report to list all the computers which have particular software/application installed ? SELECT c.Name0, a.DisplayName0 FROM v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS a, v_R_System c WHERE a.ResourceID =…

Here is a script that is used to activate/enable remtote desktop(RDP) on a local /remote computers. '*** Activates Remote Desktop on remote machine*** Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 'strComputer = "." strComputer = Inputbox ("Enter Computername:","Activate Remote Desktop","Computername") Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &…

There are some warnings under component system for MP_control_manager bcz of client machine are not approved and MP is rejecting the policys that are requesting from the client (MP has rejected a policy request from GUID:d0400dcb-68a9-4b64-92af-daa70db2a53a because it was not…

Today ,i updated my SCCM SP1 site server to SP2 .I have listed the actions that might be helpful in doing so .It is strongly recommened that ,test it in testing environment before taking it to the production. It is strongly recommended  to follow the…

this post is just to make the application deployment easier.when you deploy any application to a collection,you might see faliure,no status and waiting.I had similar issues(number count was more).This collection gives you list of systems with faliure/no status/waiting status for particular…