Few years ago, I have blogged about the client update scan failure due to GPO’s. https://eskonr.com/2014/10/sccm-configmgr-2012-software-update-scan-error-group-policy-settings-were-overwritten-by-a-higher-authority-error-code-0x87d00692/ Introduction: When the software update point is configured for a site, client computers receive a machine policy that provides the active software update point…

Update: Eval site is now restored with improved user experience and is accessible via  Microsoft Evaluation Center  .The new improved eval center does not require any sign-in to download the media files. This is quick post on the recent inquiry on…

Microsoft recently announced that, Starting April 2022, certificate connectors earlier than version 6.2101.13.0 will be deprecated and will show a status of Error. This status does not affect functionality. Starting June 2022, such connectors will not be able to issue…

Long ago, I wrote a blog post on a report for finding the devices with pending reboot, more information is available on https://eskonr.com/2019/01/sccm-report-get-list-of-devices-with-pending-reboot-in-a-collection-with-different-states/ I was recently working on checking the compliance of the devices in SCCM for windows patching and…

Conditional Access in Azure Active Directory needs no introduction. To read more information about Conditional Access, please refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/conditional-access/overview In my recent assignment, there was an ask to back up the conditional access policies every day and also notify…