SCCM Configmgr 2012 way to find Who Created modified Deleted the collection using SSRS Reports

Quick Post: There was a question on TechNet forum asking,about who created the collection ,More read I have seen few cases in Configmgr 2007 and less in Configmgr 2012 due to RBA ,that Configmgr guys will try to do something on collection but it ends at something that causes the resources to disappear from…
SCCM Configmgr 2012 Powershell script cleanup duplicate obsolete and outdated computers Via Task Scheduler

This post is continuation to my previous post on how to clean outdated computers from configmgr Database. More info refer , Through this post,i will show you to create Powershell script cleanup duplicate obsolete and outdated computers Via Task schedule that deletes the computers from specific collections to maintain configmgr database healthy. In my…