While Upgrading Clients from Configmgr 2007 to Configmgr 2012,we see lot of issues with respect to client failure like client is installed with exit Code ‘0’ but software center do not work as intended,client is installed but no policies etc.
I had interesting issue recently during the client up-gradation from CM07 to CM12.Client was installed successfully with Exit code ‘0’ from ccmsetup.log(%windir%\ccmsetup\logs) but software center doesn’t open.
If I look at the properties of configuration manager applet,actions tab,I can see only 2 policies appearing(Machine and User) .locationservices.log and clientlocation.log,clientIDmanagerstartup.log show positive information,there are no errors but still unable to launch software center.
Here is what I see when I launch software center message:
Software Center cannot get the current status for some of the software. Software Center will list any items with available status. You can press F5 to refresh the view. If the problem persists, contact your help desk.
More information:
Loading Software Center returned error code 0x0041013 (-2147217389).
Tried uninstalling client using ccmsetup.exe /uninstall , ccmclean.exe and all possible things we do to fix it but issue doesn’t go away.
The above error is causing because, Old CM client was not uninstalled successfully.
After long troubleshooting,found the culprit was dll file from registry.Interesting ?
So how do I fix it ?
1. Go to registry Editor (regedit from Run command)
Right click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and Find with {555B0C3E-41BB-4B8A-A8AE-8A9BEE761BDF}
On the search found value, check, if the value for default (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{555B0C3E-41BB-4B8A-A8AE-8A9BEE761BDF}\InProcServer32) is set to below or not if not, change the value to C:\WINDOWS\CCM\ccmcisdk.dll
Check the registry with same ID once again (you can press F3) {555B0C3E-41BB-4B8A-A8AE-8A9BEE761BDF} , under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID\ ,if you find value dcmsdk.dll for default, the below underlined value should be deleted C:\windows\syswow64\ccm\dcmsdk.dll).
Now launch software center, it should allow you to see the applications(may take time depends on the policy retrieval time).
Until next!
Worked! Thank you!
Welcome Silva.
If you failed installing sccm client with message in ccmsetup.log
“File C:\Windows\ccmsetup\MicrosoftPolicyPlatformSetup.msi installation failed. Error text: ExitCode: 1603Action: ErrorMessages: ”
and error number in MicrosoftPolicyPlatformSetup.msi.log
try removing application “Google Desktop” or “Windows Eyes”
how is that related to google desktop or Windows eyes?
Seems to have worked, just waiting for the list to populate - Thanks
This solution somewhat worked for me the values were not changed but I was still getting the error. To fix, I had to delete the entire "InProcServer32" folder under (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{555B0C3E-41BB-4B8A-A8AE-8A9BEE761BDF}\InProcServer32. Now everything works fine. I'm running SCCM 2012 R2.
Glad, it worked!
I also noticed two ConfigMgr icons in the Control Panel when logged in with a non-admin user account. Just thought I would mention that as another way to detect the issue.
thanks for the info Mike.Appreciate your contribution.
Damn thing - how did you find it? Thanks for Sharing!
After working with Microsoft css for several days, able to resolve it
Outstanding find. Thanks a ton for this tip.
Thanks Dave,hope you find other articles on the blog helpful.
Hey thanks for the tip. A huge help since as with the others I've been smashing my head trying to figure out whats going wrong.
I did the change and its working as expected, however, I do have 2 questions regarding the 2nd registry value.
You said to delete the underlined value, but you have 2 items underlined in the image. I'm going to guess you were referring to the entry for c:\windows\syswow64\ccm rather than the entire InProcServer32 key, correct?
Also, I checked the registry of a 2nd machine that did not have the problem. This was a fresh install of the 2012 client where the others were upgrades from 2007 to 2012. For the 2nd registry entry the machine that never had the problem has C:\Windows\CCM\ccmcisdk.dll specified in location you said to remove. I'm wondering if this should be changed rather than deleted so both registry keys point to C:\Windows\CCM\ccmcisdk.dll?
I suppose the different /could/ be that this machine is Server 2008R2 64bit and the other machines were windows 7 64bit (that had the problem). I don't have any windows 7 machines that didn't previously have the 2007 client to reference so I picked what was available.
Any thoughts regarding this?
Thanks again for the info you've provided so far. Its been a great help!
Hi Mark,
If you look at the blog post,it says,to remove the registry value from HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID\ if found.Yes,it is C:\windows\syswow64. You can either delete InProcServer32 or only default value.
I have seen this kind of issues on clients which are upgraded from cm07 to cm12.The primary key to check for the problem is ccmcisdk.dll and other is to delete dcmsdk.dll if exist.
I will correct the blog to aviod confusions.The 2nd registry is to delete only when dcmsdk.dll value present else you can ignore it.
Hi Eswar,
Issue with 64 bit machine only.
True.Are you getting this error on any other Platforms?
Will it be submitted as a bug? Something future uninstalls would for this key? Also what version did you have, we had sp1cu2
cannot say it is Bug and it is not always happening but sometimes when the registry keys do not uninstall properly from Registry.
am running on SCCM 2012 R2.
OMFG!!!!!! we have been busting our heads for the past 2 weeks troubleshooting this to no avail!! Thanks for this, how did you come about it? is there anyone who can update ccmclean to deal with this?
Really,this solution is not an easy finding and finding the registry key who is culprit for the issue is awesome finding
but yes,after working with MS Support guy