since few weeks i was working on troubleshooting the inventory data loader issues on the client computers .Sometimes I get…
Month: January 11, 2:36 pm
Today ,i updated my SCCM SP1 site server to SP2 .I have listed the actions that might be helpful in doing so .It is…
this post is just to make the application deployment easier.when you deploy any application to a collection,you might see faliure,no…
How to change the Site Code of a SMS/SCCM client: The scripts which are listed here can run on local…
i was doing OS refreshment with SCCM MDT and i have a TS that has all my configurations required.When it…
select CS.name0 as 'PC name', WS.LastHWScan as 'Last HW scan Date' from dbo.v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM CS join dbo.v_GS_WORKSTATION_STATUS WS on CS.resourceID =…
SELECT GS.Name0 as 'PC Name', GSS.DisplayName0 as 'Service', GSS.StartMode0 as 'Startup', GSS.State0 as 'State' FROM v_GS_SERVICE GSS, v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM GS Where…